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"Let her simply grow up, and you will see that she is not innocent as the angels. Oh, indeed! I could say something about last night! Dona Isabel has no vocation for a nun; but, gracias a Dios! Rachela is not yet blind or deaf." "Let the child go with me for an hour, Rachela. The kerchief will be so becoming to you. There is not another in San Antonio like it."

DOÑA MATILDE. No, Clementina, mil gracias, pero.... MARQUESA. , te las enviaré ... para que las bordes ... y para que ... lo que había de ganar otra ... bordabas muy bien....

"Señor Pachuca!" called Polly at the top of the stairs. "We've brought you some supper. May we come in?" "Gracias, señorita, but that rests with you," was the response. "I'm going to open it. He won't do anything," said Polly, decidedly. The room was dimly lighted.

"Gracias thank you," he said, "but why you take so long trouble for us, Lady, when we don't pay you nothing?" "I don't think there's anything so well worth taking trouble for as just boys and girls," Miss Pinkerton said. The boy frowned thoughtfully. "Other peoples don't think like that way," he persisted. "For why should you?" "Well, it's really because of Jesus," Miss Pinkerton answered slowly.

DON PEDRO. Es verdad, no lo ha dicho; mas quizá lo diga ... tenga usted paciencia ... tres o cuatro días se pasan en un abrir y cerrar de ojos ... y ... conque, Sr. D. Eduardo, a la disposición de usted ... bueno será que yo vaya a ver lo que hace la chica; y no dude usted que si puedo influir.... DON EDUARDO. Quede usted con Dios, Sr. D. Pedro, y mil gracias de todos modos.

Each dance concluded, you lead your partner to a sort of bar where refreshments are furnished, and ask her whether she will take vino or dulces wine or candies? She will take dulces "Gracias, señor!" This is de rigueur. You pay for them of course, and conduct her to her seat.

"Much better you feel proud that you conquer us; for surely, señor, California shall shine like a diamond in the very centre of America's crown." Then she held out her hand impulsively. "Mucho gracias, señor pardon thank you very much. If you love my country, señor, you must be my friend and the friend of my daughter.

Shall I ask him to see you?" "Gracias señor capitan, if you please." Whereupon the officer respectfully accosted the friar, and after telling him that I had been condemned to die at sunrise on the morrow, asked if he would receive my confession and give me such religious consolation as my case required. "Con mucho gusto, capitan," answered the friar. "When would the señor like me to visit him?"

Having published his new preparations, he had all his men together at the time, being about seven hundred. Of these he put three hundred aboard the ship he took at Maracaibo, and the rest in five other vessels of lesser burthen; so that they were in all six ships. The first port they went to was Bayaha in Hispaniola, to victual the fleet, and take in provisions; which done, they steered their course to a port called Matamana, on the south side of Cuba, intending to take here all the canoes they could; these coasts being frequented by the fishers of tortoises, who carry them hence to the Havannah. They took as many of them, to the great grief of those miserable people, as they thought necessary; for they had great use for these small bottoms, by reason the port they designed for had not depth enough for ships of any burthen. Hence they took their course towards the cape Gracias

The caballero's face flushed with pleasure at her free-and-easy reception of him, while an almost inaudible "Gracias" fell from his lips. At once he knew that his first surmise, that the Girl was an American, had been correct. Not that his experience in life had furnished him with any parallel, for the Girl constituted a new and unique type.