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He therefore turned to the eastward, though the wind was contrary, and, after a hard buffet against it, doubled Cape Gracias á Dios, which still retains its expressive name, significant of his relief at finding that the trend of the beach at last permitted him to follow his desired course with a fair wind.

DON EDUARDO. Pero usted le habrá respondido, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo bastante para indicarle que esto es la mayor perfección que usted tiene a mis ojos. DON EDUARDO. Muchas gracias. DOÑA MATILDE. En seguida se ha ensangrentado con la familia de usted ... con su persona ... vamos, le aborrece a usted con sus cinco sentidos ... ¡ya ve usted si es injusticia!

Nevertheless, the hostler's ostentatious adjuration of "Now then, aren't you going to bring out that mustang for the Señora?" puzzled her. It was not until the fresh horse was put to, and she had flung a piece of gold into the attendant's hand, that the "Gracias" of his unmistakable Saxon speech revealed to her the reason of the lawyer's caution.

The journey to Gracias á Dios was a difficult and dangerous one at that season of the year.

To all who came, Las Casas spoke in their own language, giving to them the royal command, signed by the Emperor, that they should never be anything but a free people. The Bishop of Guatemala went with Las Casas to visit The Land of War, and had intended to go with him to Gracias á Dios, where they were both to assist in the consecration of a new bishop of Nicaragua.

Luckily they misunderstood, for the price was "two hands for a medio," and as it was I had to leave lying on the grass several of the ten fine large oranges one of the aborigines had counted on his fingers and accepted a two-and-a-half cent piece for with a "Muchas gracias, amigo."

"He-country and beautiful!" he interrupted. "The other half is desert." "Ever see the Mojave in the late afternoon from the top of the Tejon Pass?" he challenged. "The wild, barbaric beauty of it? And with water it would be a garden-spot." "Of course your valleys are wonderful." "Gracias, señorita." "But the bare brown hills in summer-time and the ghost-rivers of the South!

Early in the year 1780, five hundred men destined for this service were convoyed by Nelson from Port Royal to Cape Gracias a Dios, in Honduras. Not a native was to be seen when they landed: they had been taught that the English came with no other intent than that of enslaving them, and sending them to Jamaica.

The American officer shook hands warmly. "General, it is a pleasure to meet a man like you. Mexico is fortunate in having such a son." Culvera beamed. "Gracias. And now, captain, first a bath, then dinner. Afterwards you shall talk with the moving-picture men." He turned affably to Yeager. "I shall give orders that you be given a good dinner to-night. To-morrow we shall pass judgment on you."

"Yes, I should like to look in on you for a few moments." "Ah, I was so sorry to miss you," he went on, standing stock still. "I must give you my address and you must write me, and I you." There followed an exchange of cards with great formality and many protestations of eternal friendship; then an effusive hand-shake and: "Mil gracias, senor. May you have a most pleasant voyage. Thanks again.