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Glass sighed miserably, and tearing his eyes away from the glittering blade, rolled them toward his employer. "I don't want her! Mr. Speed knows I don't want her!" Carara bowed. "And the Fat Senor will not spik wit' her again?" "No!" "Gracias, Senor! I thank you!" "You're welcome!" agreed the New Yorker, with repressed feeling. "Adios! Adios, Senor Speed!" "Good-bye!" exclaimed the two in chorus.

Bear thee so that men who dwell with you may say of you as was said of the Apostles Paul and Barnabas, "The gods are made like men, and have come down to us." DEO gracias. The MS. is defective. On the 18th leaf of the MS. containing Our Daily Work begins Richard Rolle's Meditations on the Passion. A rendering of this is given in Fr.

Gracias, señor, and, with the one word 'Americano, and a nod of his head toward Cogan, Torellas held the cape to the nearest section of American blue-jackets who had been wondering, ever since the word had been passed, which was the American among the bull-fighters.

"Gracias a Dios!" he said, his wild eyes brightening with a gleam of intelligence, as Mr Jellaby and Bill Bates, having unloosed him from the ropes by which he was seized up to the rigging, brought him across the deck to the doctor, who at once put a small quantity of brandy between his lips. "Habran llegado a tiempo." "What is that, eh?"

"A mass to the devil it was," said Ortiz. "Now, I will tell you something. On the morning of the second, Thomas was in Washington. A convention sitting there declared, on that day, the independence of Texas, and fifty-five out of fifty-six votes elected General Houston Commander-in-Chief." "Houston! That is the name of victory! Gracias a Dios!" cried Navarro.

A whole troop this time. They pass in a cloud of dust. After a short interval another detachment sweeps by; then another and another. "Gracias a Dios! they are putting on more speed. At this rate we shall soon be at liberty. But, caramba, how they might have been trapped, Señor Fortescue!

And when he is well, or and when he is well, instead of /vaquero/ I will make you /mayordomo/ of the Rancho de las Piedras. /Esta bueno/?" "/Si, si mil gracias, senor/." Ylario tried to kneel upon the floor in his gratitude, but the cattleman kicked at him benevolently, growling, "None of your opery-house antics, now." Ten minutes later Ylario came from McGuire's room and stood before Raidler.

"As you will," returned Thatcher gravely. "Gracias, Senor." They walked slowly back to the house, Thatcher with a masculine sense of being unreasonably afflicted, Carmen with a woman's instinct of being hopelessly crushed. No word was spoken until they reached the door.

The spot was some 1500 feet lower than Santa Rosa, but still so sharp and penetrating is the chill of night in this region in contrast to the blazing, sweating days that I did not sleep a moment soundly after the first hour of evening. An hour's walk next morning brought me to Gracias, a slovenly, nothing-to-do-but-stare hamlet of a few hundred inhabitants.

Guido, recognizing his master's voice, galloped forward and greeted us warmly, for though he acted as Carmen's servant he was a free llanero, and expected to be treated as a gentleman and a friend. "Gracias a Dios!" he said; "I was beginning to fear that we had passed you. Gahra and I have been looking for you all day!"