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The doctor examined him and said he was sound as a mesquite knot." "That doctor," said Ylario, smiling, "he tell you so? That doctor no see McGuire." "Talk up," ordered Raidler. "What the devil do you mean?" "McGuire," continued the boy tranquilly, "he getting drink water outside when that doctor come in room.

He make me count like whisper so twenty, /treinta/, /cuarenta/. Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, /senor/." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

He make me count like whisper so twenty, treinta, cuarenta . Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, señor." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

The doctor examined him and said he was sound as a mesquite knot." "That doctor," said Ylario, smiling, "he tell you so? That doctor no see McGuire." "Talk up," ordered Raidler. "What the devil do you mean?" "McGuire," continued the boy tranquilly, "he getting drink water outside when that doctor come in room.

So plentee work with the leetle calves. They no say. Oh, I think that fellow McGuire he dead much time ago." "Dead!" said Raidler. "What you talking about?" "Verree sick fellow, McGuire," replied Ylario, with a shrug of his shoulder. "I theenk he no live one, two month when he go away." "Shucks!" said Raidler. "He humbugged you, too, did he?

In constant attendance upon him was Ylario, whom the coming reward of the /mayordomo/ship must have greatly stimulated, for McGuire chained him to a bitter existence. The air the man's only chance for life he commanded to be kept out by closed windows and drawn curtains.

Daylight found him in the buckboard, skimming the prairies for the station. It was two months before he returned. When he arrived at the ranch house he found it well-nigh deserted save for Ylario, who acted as a kind of steward during his absence. Little by little the youth made him acquainted with the work done while he was away. The branding camp, he was informed, was still doing business.

In constant attendance upon him was Ylario, whom the coming reward of the mayordomoship must have greatly stimulated, for McGuire chained him to a bitter existence. The air the man's only chance for life he commanded to be kept out by closed windows and drawn curtains.

And when he is well, or and when he is well, instead of /vaquero/ I will make you /mayordomo/ of the Rancho de las Piedras. /Esta bueno/?" "/Si, si mil gracias, senor/." Ylario tried to kneel upon the floor in his gratitude, but the cattleman kicked at him benevolently, growling, "None of your opery-house antics, now." Ten minutes later Ylario came from McGuire's room and stood before Raidler.

So plentee work with the leetle calves. They no say. Oh, I think that fellow McGuire he dead much time ago." "Dead!" said Raidler. "What you talking about?" "Verree sick fellow, McGuire," replied Ylario, with a shrug of his shoulder. "I theenk he no live one, two month when he go away." "Shucks!" said Raidler. "He humbugged you, too, did he?

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