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And when he is well, or and when he is well, instead of vaquero I will make you mayordomo of the Rancho de las Piedras. Esta bueno? "Si, si mil gracias , señor." Ylario tried to kneel upon the floor in his gratitude, but the cattleman kicked at him benevolently, growling, "None of your opery-house antics, now." Ten minutes later Ylario came from McGuire's room and stood before Raidler.

On account of many severe storms the cattle had been badly scattered, and the branding had been accomplished but slowly. The camp was now in the valley of the Guadalupe, twenty miles away . "By the way," said Raidler, suddenly remembering, "that fellow I sent along with them McGuire is he working yet?" "I do not know," said Ylario. "Mans from the camp come verree few times to the ranch.

Daylight found him in the buckboard, skimming the prairies for the station. It was two months before he returned. When he arrived at the ranch house he found it well-nigh deserted save for Ylario, who acted as a kind of steward during his absence. Little by little the youth made him acquainted with the work done while he was away. The branding camp, he was informed, was still doing business.

On account of many severe storms the cattle had been badly scattered, and the branding had been accomplished but slowly. The camp was now in the valley of the Guadalupe, twenty miles away. "By the way," said Raidler, suddenly remembering, "that fellow I sent along with them McGuire is he working yet?" "I do not know," said Ylario. "Mans from the camp come verree few times to the ranch.

"Ylario, it is in my mind that I promised you the position of /vaquero/ on the San Carlos range at the fall /rodeo/." "/Si, senor/, such was your goodness." "Listen. This /senorito/ is my friend. He is very sick. Place yourself at his side. Attend to his wants at all times. Have much patience and care with him.

"Ylario, it is in my mind that I promised you the position of vaquero on the San Carlos range at the fall rodea." "Si, señor, such was your goodness." "Listen. This señorito is my friend. He is very sick. Place yourself at his side. Attend to his wants at all times. Have much patience and care with him.