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In the result, I was asked whether I would go with them quietly to the queen's house or be taken thither, nolens volens. On answering that I would go quietly, I was unbound and allowed to mount my horse. I do not think I am a coward, and in helping Señora de la Vega to escape and sending her off with Gahra, I knew that I had done the right thing.

None of the Indians were with him in the drift; he felt sure they were all behind him, which was likely enough, as Gahra, though sensitive to cold, was a man of exceptional bodily strength. It was beyond a doubt that all had perished. "I left Pachatupec with fifteen braves. I have lost my braves, my mules, and my baggage, and all I have to show are two men, a pale-face and a black-face.

To tell the truth I had really no great desire to look at the woman's tongue, but having made the request I meant to stand to my guns. After some further parley she yielded, first of all making the three caciques and Gahra look the other way. I said that if she would follow my instructions I had no doubt that I could not only cure her but make her as lithe and active as ever she was.

As the horse went down, the cacique sprang nimbly to his feet; he seemed neither surprised nor dismayed, took a long look at the house, then waved his men back, and followed them leisurely to the other side of the square. "What think you, Gahra? Will they go away and leave us in peace, or shall we have to shoot some of them?" I said as I reloaded my musket. "I think we shall, señor.

"The part we are coming to is the most dangerous of all," he said. "But it is, fortunately, not long. Two hours will bring us to a sheltered valley. And now leave everything to your mule. If you feel nervous shut your eyes, but as you value your life neither tighten your reins nor try to guide him." I repeat this caution to Gahra, and ask how he feels.

Six days are gone by since we left our bivouac by the mountain-tarn: three we have wandered in the woods under the guidance of Gahra, three sought Mejia and his guerillas, who, being always on the move, are hard to find.

The sun rose; still she did not come, and I had just made up my mind to put off our departure until the next morning, and try to communicate with Señora de la Vega in the meantime, when Gahra pointed to a pathway in the wood, where his sharp eyes had detected the fluttering of a robe. At last she was coming. But too late.

I think Gahra and I will be able to bring you horses and arms after nightfall." "Good! And will Gahra and you throw in your lot with us?" "Where you go I will go, señor. Let Gahra speak for himself. He will be here shortly. He is coming now. When the negro arrived he expressed great satisfaction at finding us alive and well.

Open them when I might, the outlook was always the same, the same yellow earth and blue sky, the same lifeless, interminable plain, the same solitary sombrero palms dotting the distant horizon. This went on for an hour or two, and I think I must have fallen into a doze, for when, roused by a shout from Gahra, I once more opened my eyes the sun was lower and the heat less intense.

I asked if Gahra might bear me company. "At his own risk. But I cannot answer for his safety. Mamcuna loves not black people." This was not very encouraging, and after I had explained the matter to Gahra I strongly advised him to stay where he was. But he said he was my man, that he owed me his liberty, and would go with me to the end, even though it should cost him his life.