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Updated: August 14, 2024

But the ore specimens, they're right here in the bandanner, and I aimed to give 'em to Johnnie to put 'em right in her lap the best gal that ever was and say to her, 'Here's your silver mine, honey, that your good-for-nothin' old uncle found for ye; now you can live like a lady! That's what I aimed to say to Johnnie. I didn't aim that nobody else should tetch them samples till she'd saw 'em."

"There ain't no need of your acting this way if your man has run away with another woman, and as for that child goin' with you, she sha'n't go one step with any woman that looks and acts as you do. Actin' this way over a good-for-nothin' fellow like Jim Tenny!" Again that scourge of the spirit aroused Eva to her normal state. She became a living, breathing, wrathful, loving woman once more.

An if yo doan't coom and keep your good-for-nothin niece in her place, and make udder foak keep a civil tongue i' their head to your wife, I'll leave your house this neet, as sure as I wor born a Martin! Reuben stumbled into the house. There was a wild rush downstairs, and Louie fell upon him, David's blow showing ghastly plain in her white quivering face. 'Whar's Davy? she said.

Lynn looked fiercely at her daughter as she turned, holding her little lamp, which cast a glorifying reflection upon her face, into the parlor whence led her little bedroom. "You are a good-for-nothin' girl," she said. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself." "What do you mean, mother?" asked Sarah. She stood fair and white, confronting her mother, who was burning and coarse with wrath.

"He's a lazy good-for-nothin' and he's stole yer breakfast," protested the forest woman, as she headed off Henry and drove him back with sundry prods of her foot. "Good morning, Mr. Horse," greeted Emma. "Mornin'," answered the Indian briefly. Grace by this time was shaking hands with him; then the Overland girls surrounded him and demanded to know why he had not been to see them before.

'That's a washy, good-for-nothin' woman, that Mis' Wynn, was the visitor's judgment, as she departed in state on the ox-sled. 'The young un's spryer; but I'd like to be waitin' till they'd ha' the house clar'd up between 'em, wouldn't I? Did you see that hired help o' theirn, Almeria? 'Yes, ma, an Irish girl, I guess. She was a-top o' the waggon yesterday.

Much as ever as he's got sense enough ter put on his own clothes and he WOULDN'T know WHEN ter put on CLEAN ones, if I didn't spread 'em out for him!" "I know it. Too bad, too bad," murmured Mrs. McGuire, with a virtuous shake of her head. "An' he with his fine bringin'-up, an' now to be so shiftless an' good-for-nothin', an' " But Susan Betts was interrupting, her eyes flashing.

"Faith, if it was me that had the doin' of it, I bet I 'd larn ye better manners, ye great, impudent good-for-nothin', if I had to bate yer tin times a day." "You would n't, though, would you?" said Oscar; and he continued the shower of peas until he had exhausted his stock, and then picked most of them up again, to serve for some future occasion.

"Darn it all," said the Clockmaker, rising with great animation, clinching his fist, and extending his arm, "darn it all, it fairly makes my dander rise, to see the nasty idle, loungin' good-for-nothin', do-little critters; they ain't fit to tend a bear-trap, I vow.

We don't wanter tuh disturb yuh, an' we'll go up de sho' er bit. Dat fish he taste mighty fine, I reckons, mister, an' we sho' be powful glad tug git 'im, dat's so. Hyah, yuh lazy good-for-nothin' brack niggah, pick up some ob dat fiah an' tote it up yander whah de p'int juts out. Dat look good enuff fur dis chile.

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