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Updated: July 31, 2024

Everything was so immaculate, in fact, that Buck had a moment of hesitation about flicking his cigarette ashes on the floor, and banished his scruples mainly because he had never heard of a cow-man dropping them anywhere else. Gabby appeared about an hour later, a tall, stooping man of uncertain middle age, with a cold eye and a perpetual, sour droop to his lids.

But, as I recall it, when we spoke by radio after getting your wire, we all were so excited we never thought of the code." Frank nodded agreement. "That's right," he said. "But, anyhow, we never thought of making it a secret. Perhaps your cook this Gabby Pete said something innocently in town. Or the word got around somehow."

The older man nodded approval and the three boys filed out, closing the door behind them. Simultaneously each drew a long breath of relief. Bob was the first to speak. "Dad'll get it out of him," he said "I'm hungry," said Frank plaintively. At that moment, Gabby Pete poked his head from the doorway of the kitchen. Seeing the boys, he called: "Come an' git it."

"Well, he did," said Jack, starting to leave. Gabby Pete jumped up, almost upsetting his pan in his haste, and called to Jack to wait. Wiping his wet hands on a big blue apron that looked incongruous on the old cowman, he pulled open a drawer in a kitchen table and took out a flat blue envelope which he handed to Jack. "Almost forgot this," he said.

I have hardly begun to enumerate the prime ones, yet.... But when I returned to the little settlement a curious man had already established himself ... one who was called by Spalton, in tender ridicule, Gabby Jack ... that was Spalton's nickname for him ... and it stuck, because it was so appropriate. Jack was a pilgrim in search of Utopia.

But he was losing his bravado. Something began to dawn upon his obtuse consciousness. "What do I care for you or your gabby talk?" he flashed, sullenly. "You'll care when I tell these rustlers how you double-crossed them." Belllounds made a spring, like that of a wolf in a trap; but when half-way up he slipped. The rustler on his right kicked him, and he sprawled down again, back to the wall.

"Thanks," said the newspaper man, taking the card. "And now," spake on the spokesman of the wanderers, "what can I do for you?" Newspaper men are perhaps the only creatures who as a type never learn how to ask questions. An embarrassment caused by the stupidity of the gabby great whom they interrogate daily puts a crimp into their tongues.

You see, Gabby Gallagher has just blowed in from the Centipede to raise our bets." "We think it's a bluff, and we'd like to call him." "Do so, by all means!" cried the excited athlete. "Come on, let's all talk to him!" The entire party, with the exception of Mrs.

"You all know this dear comrade of ours," he began, "this dear friend whose really fine soul, while in the body went under the appellation of Gabby Jack " Here Spalton broke down. He unashamedly dropped into the chair behind the reading-desk and wept aloud. He could say no more....

I thought he wasn't noticing anything at all till the orchestra put on a shadow number with dim purple lights. "You'll notice they do that," says Jake, "whenever a lot of these people are ready to pay their checks. It saves fights, because no one can see if they're added right or not." That was pretty gabby for Jake. Then I listened again to Ben and his little pet.

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