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With Aun' Sheba, policy had taken the place of passion. Through a knot-hole in her cabin she had seen her husband admitted to her son-in-law's dwelling, and so her mind was at rest. "Unc," she muttered, "forgits his 'sper'ence at de prar-meetin's bery easy, but he mus' have a 'sper'ence to-night dat he won't forgit. I neber so riled in my bawn days.

"Let us go ashore without delay!" said Songbird, who was sorry he had not accompanied the Rover boys. "That's what I say!" added Fred. "We can take plenty of lights." "I vos not von pit sleepy," declared Hans. "I go kvick, of you said so, Mr. Rofer." "If yo' go, don't forgit Aleck!" pleaded the colored man. "You shall go, Aleck," answered Mr.

"Woman," he said, with grand dignity, "you forgit yus-sef; shu know ware I've ben 'swell's I do. Ben to town, wife, an' see yer wat I've brought the fines' hat, ole woman, I could git. Look't the color. Like goes 'ith like; it's red an' you're red, an' it's a dead match. What yer mean? Hey! hole on! ole woman! you! Hannah! you." She literally shook him into silence.

Arvilly for once seemed to forgit her canvassin' and her keen bright eyes wuz softened into deep thought and feeling. Tommy, who had heard us talkin' about Herod walling in that part of the city, wonnered how any man could be so wicked as the cruel king who killed all the little children, and he wonnered if there ever wuz another king in the hull world so wicked.

Our solicitude is to make ourselves mutually agreeable; and the natural result is a grace and refinement which" "a grace and refinement which if you will pardon me for saying so you can form no conception of. Inherited wealth is the secret of it." "Beg parding," interposed Cooper apologetically "I was goin' to say to Collins, before I forgit, that he can easy git over bein' a Port Philliper.

"Oh, that day!" she exclaimed, shuddering. "Will I ever forgit it? John and me had got married just a month before Evy died in October, and gone to live up the hollow a small piece from maw, and even then she were complaining of a leetle scum over her eyes.

The lights in the cave still burned brightly, for Tom had refrained from switching them off for the obvious reason that they made it easy to keep an eye on the prisoners. Day-light, however, showed at the mouth of the cave. When Jack noted the time, he began to scold. "Forgit it," said Tom Bodine, gruffly. "You boys needed a good sleep while I'm an old hand at ridin' night herd.

"I'll tell you what to do, Plum!" he called down. "You throw up the gold to me and I'll load it on the ponies." "All right, Jack. But don't forgit to pay me fer the job," laughed Plum. "Pay you? Why, Plum, a good share of this gold is yours!" "Yes, but yeou knew about the treasure, I didn't." "I don't care. You can have a third anyway and I'll pay all expenses of this trip."

"I s'pose Fred will be jealous whin he finds out what a foine ride I have had," he added, his old sense of humor coming back; "but all he has to do is to catch a buffalo bull and git on his back: but I don't think he'll forgit the same right away."

I sez mekanically, "Yes, indeed!" but my thoughts wuz of one who had often pranced 'round and tromped, and even kicked in his haste, and shook the wood-house floor. Ah, how, how could I forgit him?