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Updated: August 2, 2024

He finally pulls out of his pocket a rosary. "I haf carry dthis efer since I was in Egypt." This simple little string of olive stones and carved ebony beads quite captivates my fancy, and the penalty for the expression of my liking is that I must try it on.

Py dat time he vos vhistling and singin' alretty, like nodings efer happen. Ve had de big fire roarin', I tell you, and vhen I say again he safe my life he yoost laugh like it is a fine yoke an' say: 'Oh, shut up, Stefan, ve're a pair big fools to get upset, anyvays. And some tay you do yoost same ting for me, I bet. And now now I can do nodings nodings at all."

How der flute does luf to blay me! Id peen der grandest instrument dot efer found me der vorld in." Several of the party had followed Frank down the steps and surrounded Dunnerwurst. They greeted him warmly, seizing his hand and shaking it. But suddenly the Dutchman caught sight of Gallup. With a whoop of joy, he grabbed up his carpetbag and started for the Vermonter.

Soon they would all be gone. "Well, Trina," exclaimed Mr. Sieppe, "goot-py; perhaps you gome visit us somedime." Mrs. Sieppe began crying again. "Ach, Trina, ven shall I efer see you again?" Tears came to Trina's eyes in spite of herself. She put her arms around her mother. "Oh, sometime, sometime," she cried. The twins and Owgooste clung to Trina's skirts, fretting and whimpering.

Rasco had discovered the German boomer sweeping up a side trail. Humpendinck had made out Rasco but a second before and now shouted for the man of the plains to halt. "What is it, Dutchy?" called out Rasco, when they were within speaking distance. "Vot ist it? Donner und blitzen, Rasco, it vos der vorst news vot efer you heard!" burst from Carl Humpendinck's lips.

Bruder, you say I have done you a favor." "Gott knows you haf." "I want you to do me one in return. I want you to let me be your friend," said Dennis, holding out his hand. The man trembled, hesitated; at last he said, brokenly, "I am not fit to touch your hand." "Mr. Bruder," said Dennis, gently, "I hope that I am a Christian." "Still more, den, I am unfit efer to be in your presence."

"All here!" exclaimed the German, indicating the pictures and rarities. "Not von of dem haf efer gifn bain to mein boor Bons. . . . Here ees everydings dot he lofed, after me." Schmucke had taken his seat again, and looked as vacant as before; he dried his eyes mechanically.

"She'll pe taking no presents from marquis or tuke tat would pe teceifing old Tuncan, and making him trink with ta cursed Clenlyon. Tell ta marquis he 'll pe sending her cray hairs with sorrow to ta crafe; for she 'll pe tishonoured for efer and henceforth." Probably pleased to be the bearer of a message fraught with so much amusement, the man departed in silence with the pipes.

May God forgive me! but the man that lays a finger on Thomas yonder, will come into sore grief this day. Ay, lad," continued Long John, striding toward Thomas and gripping him by the shoulders with both hands, "you are a man, and you stood up for the weak yon day, and if you efer will be wanting a friend, remember John Cameron." "Well, well, Mr.

Then the carpetbag came down, struck Hans on the head and knocked him to a sitting position on the grass. "Sarves ye roight for torturin' our ears wid thot croupy flute, ye bologna sausage!" laughed Mulloy. "Pologna sissage! Pologna sissage!" howled Hans. "You vos chust as sauciness as I efer vos! Vy don'd I learnt some manners dot vould make a chentleman uf you!"

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