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An' I ain' er doubtin' dat Gineral Wade Hampton is a mighty fine man 'deed I knows he is but ain' she never heard ob Gineral Johnston? 'N' how erbout Gineral Stuart Yaas'm! 'n' the Black Troop, 'n' the Crenshaw Battery, 'n' the Purcell Battery. Yaas'm! 'n' the Howitzers, 'n' the Richmon' Blues Yaas'm! I sho' did mek her shet her mouf! Braggin' ter er Virginia woman ob South Callina!"

"When shall we know whether we have caught anything?" "We'll come and look at un first thing in the marnin'." "I can't wait to see!" "'Twill be more fun when we sets marten and fox traps. I'm goin' to ask Dad to let us have some traps, and we can trap together, and I'm not doubtin' we'll be gettin' some fur. We'll be partners." "That'll be great! When can we start setting them?"

"By God, Jack," said the first man with ominous softness, "I'll take a lot from you but when it comes to doubtin' my word " Morgan, with popping eyes and a very red face, slapped his hand on the bar and vaulted over it with more agility than his plumpness warranted. He shouldered his way hurriedly through the crowd to the rapidly widening circle around the two disputants.

"I knows un all, and I plays with un when they's pups, but if I were trippin' and fallin' down among un now, I'm not doubtin' they's tear me abroad." "After you raised them from pups, and always had them, and feed them and everything?" asked Charley, horrified at the suggestion.

"'Tis something somebody's tryin' to hide," suggested Peter. "There's no doubtin' that," said David. "I'm thinkin' 'tis not right whatever 'tis." "We'll get camp in shape and have our dinner and then try to solve the mystery," said Doctor Joe. "It is a real mystery, for no one would make an ordinary cache in this way, and if it was an honest matter there would be no threat."

"We can make un to Deer Harbour now, and bide there till the storm passes. We'll be findin the Deer Harbour ice fast, I'm not doubtin'." "But we'll keep close to shore!" suggested Charley cautiously. "Aye, we'll do that," agreed Toby. "We'll be takin' no more chances with the ice."

And whenever I feel like doubtin' the justice o' the Lord, I think o' Milly Baker's boy, and how he got everything that belonged to him, and he didn't have to die and go to heaven to git it either." "'Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all."

"They've marched and fought thirty mile to-day," he shouts, "and now they're tearin' the intestines out of the Cavalry up yonder! They won't stop this side the gates o' Delhi," he says. "I commanded their ancestors. There's nothing wrong with the Service," he says, wringing out his trousers on his lap. "'Eaven pardon me for doubtin' 'em! Same old game same young beggars."

"An' whin we come to prize the cork out of the bottle, there was nothin' in it; an' whin we went next marnin' to look for the goose, it was gone. But there was the stone, sure enough, and the marks on it of the little brogues of the chap that'd played the bagpipes and who'd be doubtin' there were fairies after that?"

They had not thought of this greater danger, and the bos'n was desperate in the crisis. "Boys," he pleaded, "are you goin' to let one stranger ball up our game? Are you goin' to start doubtin' me on his say-so?" The men glanced from him to Harrigan. Plainly they were deep in doubt, and the Irishman made his second masterful move.