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"For as I see it, she's the one entitled t' complain." "I'll tell y'," answered Johnnie, earnestly; "I've swept off the roof twice, good's I could, and I've swept the stairs that go up t' the roof. And once I swept this hall." "A true scout!" pronounced the Father. "And I'm not doubtin' that if ye'd promise t' go on doin' the same, Madam'd be glad t' let ye go up. Suppose ye try the suggestion."

Macy 's you 'll be doubtin' anyhow, but this is what she says happened. The bridge is here, you know," Susan laid off the plan on her knee, "'n' the road is here. The cow was runnin' like mad along here, 'n' Mrs. Macy was white 'n' tremblin' so 't the whole bridge shook under her, right atop of it.

There's plenty o' room down here on The Labrador, and plenty o' other places, I'm not doubtin', where they'd be free from the crowds and dirt, and have plenty o' room to stretch, and live fine like we lives." "We're a thousand miles from a railway," said Doctor Joe. "Most of the people in the cities wouldn't live a thousand paces from a railway if they could help themselves.

But sure, I dunno would that make it look any the better for us if we was to be grabbin' his bit of money, and we the on'y people he had to see he got fairity after he was gone. Ne'er a word have I agin schoolin' and College if there would be no doubtin' over the matter; but there's some things you can't stand too clear of, like the heels of a kickin' horse.

"''Tain't the Scripture I'm doubtin', says Ma, 'it's you. "'That isn't as bad, he says, smilin', but I could see he was scared. You know how Ma is especially when you ain't used to her. "'I'd like to ask, says Ma, 'whether you believe that unbaptised infants is goin' to be saved. "'Why, yes, he says. 'I do, "'I suspicioned it, Ma says. Oh, her voice was awful!

"I cannot help it," she continued, clasping her hands, her breast heaving. "I love him so hard I cannot tell it." "I'm glad." "An' he loves me. He loves me! I'm not doubtin' that. He loves me," she whispered, that holy light once more breaking about her, in which she seemed transfigured. "Oh," she sighed, beyond expression, "he loves me!" "I'm glad."

According to the chronology of John's Gospel the age might have been about thirty-two." "It says 'thirty' in the Bible, and that's good enough for me," said the grocer, and Crashaw muttered "Heresy, heresy," in an audible under tone. "Sounds very like blarsphemy to me," said Purvis, "like doubtin' the word of God. I'm for sending him to school."