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'Not being in your confidence, replied Gaston, smoothly, taking a seat, 'I can hardly say that I do. 'It's just that Peter o' yours, said Archie, with a snort; 'a puir weecked unbaptised child o' Satan. 'Archie! interposed Madame, with some severity.

An Englishman asked, 'When had the King become unable to pay the parson? His visits also made him aware that there were many children unbaptised and that not one of those who told him they were church members had received the communion since they had left the Old Country.

Many proselytes have I made; many unbaptised babes offered up in sacrifice. I am high-priestess to the Demon, and thy mother would usurp mine office." "Oh! spare me this horrible recital!" exclaimed Alizon, vainly trying to shut out the hag's piercing voice. "I will spare thee nothing," pursued Mother Demdike. "Thy mother, I say, would be high-priestess in my stead.

Indubitably the Christian church took a wide stride from the kingship of God when it placed a golden throne for the unbaptised Constantine in the midst of its most sacred deliberations at Nicaea. But it seems to me that this abandonment of moral judgements in the present case by the Holy See is an almost wider step from the church's allegiance to God....

Once a woman is wake she must go to America." "It must have been a great shock to the priest." "Faith it was, sir, to meet an unbaptised child on the roadside, and the child the only bastard that was ever born in the parish, so Tom Mulhare says, and he's the oldest man in the county of Mayo." "It was altogether a very queer idea, this playhouse."

As, however, it is only as a Christian, be he consciously or unconsciously so, baptised or unbaptised, taking the Christian name or rejecting it, that he can think and act after this fashion, you can see at once the reason why my system of education feels itself to be, and in fact claims to be, an education after the true spirit, and following the precepts of Jesus Christ.

Two things only I know: that our creed still has my godless, scoffing, unbaptised father in hell, and that my love for him my absolute oneness with him has not lessened. "I'll stop there, if you wish, leaving you to divine what other change has taken place." "There, there," soothed the old man, seizing the shoulders once more with his strong grip "no more now, boy. It was a hard thing, I know.

"Fair sir, and brother mine," said the deep voice of the younger rider, in the Romance or Norman tongue, "I have heard that the small people of whom my neighbours, the Breton tell us much, abound greatly in this fair land of yours; and if I were not by the side of one whom no creature unassoilzed and unbaptised dare approach, by sweet St.

They used to declare that every unbaptised baby would go to Hell and burn for ever in fire and brimstone. They do not like to be reminded of that folly now. They used to believe in witchcraft, and they burned millions yes, millions of innocent women as witches. They do not like to hear about witchcraft now. They used to believe the legends of Adam and Eve, and the Flood.

And the night that the priest left her he saw the white thing standing in front of him; and if he hadn't been a priest he would have dropped down dead. But he knew well enough that it was the unbaptised child, and he took some water from the bog-hole and dashed it over it, saying, "I baptise thee in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."