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Finally, he seized her arm above the wrist, as he had done once at Aulus's, and drawing her toward him whispered, with trembling lips, "I love thee, Callina, divine one." "Let me go, Marcus," said Lygia. But he continued, his eyes mist-covered, "Love me, my goddess!" But at that moment was heard the voice of Acte, who was reclining on the other side of Lygia. "Cæsar is looking at you both."

Ursus bent to the Apostle's feet; then, recognizing Vinicius, seized his hand by the wrist, and raised it to his lips. "And thou, lord," said he. "Blessed be the name of the Lamb, for the joy which thou wilt bring to Callina." He opened the door then, and entered. Linus was lying on a bundle of straw, with an emaciated face and a forehead as yellow as ivory.

If the solution of the callina of the Spaniards and the quobar of the Ethiopians be possible, assuredly that solution will be achieved by attentive observation of magnetic effluvium. Without effluvium a crowd of circumstances would remain enigmatic.

The shout deafened her, the glitter dazzled, the odors intoxicated; and, losing the remnant of her consciousness, she was barely able to recognize Acte, who seated her at the table and took a place at her side. But after a while a low and known voice was heard at the other side, "A greeting, most beautiful of maidens on earth and of stars in heaven. A greeting to thee, divine Callina!"

"No, lord, I serve Callina, as I served her mother, of my own will." Here he hid his head again in the chimney, to blow the coals, on which he had placed some wood. When he had finished, he took it out and said, "With us there are no slaves." "Where is Lygia?" inquired Vinicius. "She has gone out, and I am to cook food for thee. She watched over thee the whole night."

His thoughts wandered evidently, for a time yet, through the Lygian wildernesses, till the liquid began to boil; then he poured it into a shallow plate, and, cooling it properly, said, "Glaucus advises thee, lord, to move even thy sound arm as little as possible; Callina has commanded me to give thee food." Lygia commanded! There was no answer to that.

There I should have given them 'good tidings. But as it is, if ever Callina returns to Pomponia Græcina I will bow down to her for permission to go to them; for Christus was born far away, and they have not even heard of Him. He knew better than I where He should be born; but if He had come to the world with us, in the forests, we would not have tortured Him to death, that is certain.

"The night before last a maiden named Lygia, but specially Callina, and reared in the house of Aulus Plautius, was intercepted. Thy slaves were conducting her, O lord, from Cæsar's palace to thy 'insula, and I undertake to find her in the city, or, if she has left the city which is little likely to indicate to thee, noble tribune, whither she has fled and where she has hidden."

She say Virginia pretty good, but dat South Callina tek de cake. She say South Callina mek 'em run ebery time! Yaas'm! 'n' I gits up 'n' I meks her er curtsy, 'n' I say ter her, 'Dat's er pretty way ter talk when you're visitin' in Virginia, 'n' ef dat's South Callina manners I'se glad I wuz born in Virginia! Yaas'm.

'N' I curtsy agin, 'n' I say, 'Ain' nobody or nothin' ever lay over Virginia fer fightin' 'n' never will! 'N' ef Virginia don' mek 'em run ebery time, South Callina needn't hope ter! 'N' I asks her how come she never hear ob Gineral Stonewall Jackson? Yaas'm. 'N' I curtsy ter her ebery time lak dis! 'N' ain' she never hear ob Gineral Lee?