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"What diffunce do that make?" Laz drawled. "The sun rises an' sets jest like thar wan't no watches nur clocks. Wouldn't make no diffunce to me ef thar wan't none. Shore ter git a feller inter trouble ef he pays much attention to 'em. The only way for a man to live is jest to let time take care of itse'f. It always did and I reckon it always will."

"No, sah," said Sam, bowing and smiling benignantly, "but he done tole me to say, when you and Miss Alison come, hit was to make no diffunce, dat you bofe was to have supper heah. And I'se done cooked it yassah. Will you kindly step into the liba'y, suh, and Miss Alison? Dar was a lady 'crost de city, Marse Ho'ace said yassah."

I'd like to do that much fur him. As fur me, Jedge, it don't make much diffunce whuther I'm locked up or not. An' say, if it ain't stretchin' a p'int, I'll take it all, but don't let him know how it come about." The Judge looked at him and his eye was not hard. "Go on, young man. You don't know where you got that spirit of self-sacrifice you can never know; but I appreciate it. Go on, young man."

Dat man he ain' goin' know no diffunce till he git out an' den, honey," she let loose upon the quiet air a sudden, great salvo of laughter, "dass let him fine Lize Mo'ton!" Bertha went to live in the tiny room with the canary bird and the engraving of the "Rock of Ages." This was putting lime to the canker, but, somehow, she felt that she could go to no other place.

He was to call for me at the Park Hotel at 7.30 P.M., and drive me out. But he missed it considerably did not arrive till ten. He excused himself by saying 'De time is mos' an hour en a half slower in de country en what it is in de town; you'll be in plenty time, boss. Sometimes we shoves out early for church, Sunday, en fetches up dah right plum in de middle er de sermon. Diffunce in de time.

If I had found that hank'cher, I would hide it, till Gabriel's horn blows; and I would go to jail or to Jericho; and before I would give testimony agin my dear young Mistiss's poor friendless gal, I would chaw my tongue into sassage meat. That's the diffunce between a palavering man full of 'screshun, and a 'oman who means what she says; and will stand by her word, if it rains fire and brimstone.

"Now jes' listen at you runnin' on. You ain't never axed me what I dremp 'bout yit." "Hit don' make much diffunce to me, less 'n you kin dream 'bout a dollah mo' into my pocket." "Dey has been sich things did," said Sam sententiously. He got up and went out. If there is one thing above another that your professional dreamer does demand, it is appreciation.

"'Taint laik as if you wus goin' to be alone out theah," comforted Mansy Storm, who was busy putting away a little cake she had made with her own hands for Celia's lunch basket. "Youah husband will be out theah." She closed the lid down and raised her head brightly. "Whut diffunce does it maik?" she asked, "how ha'd the wind blows if you've got youah husband?"

Yo' gran'pap air sho' come ter life agin in his prodigy. Nothin' ain't gonter make much diffunce ter me arfter this. I been a thinkin' some er my burdins wa' mo' than I kin bear, but 'tain't so. My back air done fitted ter them, kase you done eased me er my load." The old man wept, great tears running down his furrowed brown cheeks and glistening on his long, grotesque beard. The Debut Party

Mighty hard thing to cure a sheep, makes no diffunce what's the matter with him. Feller over near Smithfield had a sheep once that " "Didn't he say he was a goin' to be app'inted deputy marshal?" "Who, the sheep? Now, I don't believe a sheep would make a very good deputy marshal. Strikes me that the wolf would be a trifle better." "Jasper, I didn't say a word about a sheep, and you know it."