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"But you said this afternoon, aunty, that the Bad Man gave it to him." "De debbil met him right dar," insisted Aunt Hominy, "in dat ole obergrown churchyard, whar de hymns ob God used to be raised befo' de debbil got it. He says to Meshach: 'I make you de sexton hyar. Go git de spade out yonder, whar de dead-house used to be, an' dig among de graves under de myrtle-vines, an' fin' my hat.

"Wha' de debbil am dat?" he asked, rubbing his ears to make sure that he was not labouring under a delusion. "Shiver my timbers if I can tell!" rejoined the sailor, equally puzzled by what he had heard. "Dat soun' berry like da voice o' some un go drown, berry like. Wha' say you, Massa Brace?" "It was a good bit like the voice of a man cut in two by a shark. That's what it minded me of."

"'Yas, I knows my Ben w'at runned erway. Does you know whar he is? "'Why, I's yo' Ben, Mars Marrabo. Doan yer know me, marster? "'No, I doan know yer, yer yaller rascal! W'at de debbil yer mean by tellin' me sich a lie? Ben wuz black ez a coal an' straight ez an' arrer. Youer yaller ez dat clay-bank, an' crooked ez a bair'l-hoop.

Wha make dat dratted fuss under de raff? De water be plash bout so I've see nuffin, 'cepting a big black heap o' someting. Golly! I b'lieve it war de jumbe, de debbil!"

"So you got lost! Who finally set you straight? I heard you talking, there, with someone." "A young pusson, suh," said Neb, with dignity. Lorey had befriended him, he knew, at last; but he had scared him into panic to begin with. "A young pusson, suh," he said, "what made me think he was a paintuh, suh, to staht with. Made me think he was a paintuh, suh, or else de debbil, wid his howlin'."

"A flash ob lightenin' what cl'ar par'lyzed me an' helt ma feet fast to de floo'! Den, befo' I could get 'em loosen' dat hant jist lif' his hoof yas ma'am, dat was a hoof, not no man's foot an' I 'clar cross ma heart he done hist me froo dat do' an' cl'ar down dem stairs. He want no man. He de debbil hissef. No siree, yo' ain' gettin' me back up dem stairs twell some white folks gwine fust.

It would really seem as if there were a debbil debbil on that ridge; every boundary rider who lives there takes to drink. I think the red spirit must be rum. Marahgoo are man-shaped devils, to be recognised by the white swansdown cap they wear, and the red rugs they carry. Red is a great devil's colour amongst blacks some will never wear it on that account.

She went on muttering some more of the Bible texts she always called on in any perplexity, until a new idea flashed to her from some uncovered ember, and she turned quickly, laughing in a low, shrill way, "He! he! he! woy'se ole Juno afeer'd? He! he! he! 'spects it on'y debbil dat has tole lies to dis poor ole nigger when she's 'sleep."

De man dat cleans ole Meshach Milburn's debbil hat sha'n't nebber hab me." "Well, it'll be one of you. If you don't take Samson, Roxy must, or Virgie. The old fellow will be very influential with our new master, and, Hominy, we're all depending on you to make him so comfortable that he will just keep the family together."

"If I feel de drefful hunger, he tink it am a vice, And he gib me for my dinner a little broken rice, A little broken rice and a bery little fat, And he grumble like de debbil if I eat too much of dat; When I neber hab forgotten, etc.