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"And I think it's berry 'sultin' in you to ax a' spectable colored 'oman any such question. Do I understan' de natur' ob an oaf? You might 's well ax me if I knows I's got a mortal soul to be save'! Yes, I does unnerstan' de natur' ob an oaf. I knows how, if anybody takes a false one, which it won't be Catherine Mortimer, they'll go right straight down to de debbil and serbe 'em right!"

En ef ever once som'n tremenjus happen to Marse Wes, dat debbil'll be cas' out. But hit's got to be stronger en mo' pow'ful dan he is. Not 'ligion, fer 'ligion goes f'm de outside in. Som'n got to come from inside Marse Wes out befo' dat ole debbil is laid." This was meagre comfort, and Annie did not follow the primitive psychology of it.

"Berry well, Massa Geral," and the old man spoke piquedly, although partly re-assured by the assurance that it was no ghost. "If e no take e poor nigger wice e do as e like; but I no top in e canoe while e go and have him troat cut, or carry off by a debbil I dam if e go I go too."

But John Indian unknown to anybody but himself had already tried the experiment; and after a fierce contest, was satisfied with his share of the glory. His answer was: "No, no, master debbil hab no 'spect for Indian man. Master he good man! gospel man! debbil 'fraid of him him too much for debbil!" This seemed very reasonable for a poor, untutored Indian.

"Boss," she said, edging into a corner and peering over the shoulders of her stalwart son, "yo' 'suredly looks like a suah 'nough man; yo' certn'y isn't got de looks ob de debbil 'bout yo' face; but dey say de debbil's get cow hoofs an' I kaint see yo' feet."

"Eet seem terrifying to ze leetle Mam'zelle because she is unused eh? Me! I be terrified at ze beeg city where she come from, p'r'aps. Zey tell Pete 'bout waggings run wizout horses, like stea'mill. Ugh! No wanter see dem. Debbil in 'em," and he laughed, not unpleasantly, making a small joke of the suggestion.

"He's wake at las', an' der's de debbil to pay, a-cussin' an' roarin' an' wantin' opium; an' he wants to know whar ye bin an' what ye mean, an' ses de hosses mus' be at de do' in ten minits. Oh, de cunnel he's in de wustest kin' o' humour, dar's no doin' nuffin right fer him."

Me not know how any one could know dat I buy dat minister clothes for you, sah. Me told de storekeeper dat dey was for cousin of mine, who preach to de colored folk, and dat I send him suit as present. Onless dat man follow me and watch me all de time till we go off together, sah, me no see how de debbil he guess about it." "That's quite impossible, Dan; it never could have been that way.

The Colonel, aroused from slumber, had leaped to his feet, and was staring straight before him as Jean hurried up from the shore. "What is the matter?" the girl asked. "Look, look!" Mammy cried, pointing to the tree. "De debbil has been here." Jean's eyes were now resting upon the object of the woman's excitement, and she, too, was filled with astonishment.

But when you was a low-down nigger an' got de debbil in yer, an' ole marsa hear it an' send de oberseer to de quarters for you to come to de little room in de big house whar de walls was all books an' whar his desk was, 't wa'n't no birds about his voice den, mo' like de thunder." "Did he whip his negroes?"