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"He wasn't running," said Bruno, "and he wasn't crawling. He went struggling along like a portmanteau. And he held his chin ever so high in the air " "What did he do that for?" said Sylvie. "'cause he hadn't got a toofache!" said Bruno. "Ca'n't oo make out nuffin wizout I 'splain it?

Why, if he'd had a toofache, a course he'd have held his head down like this and he'd have put a lot of warm blankets round it!" "If he'd had any blankets," Sylvie argued. "Course he had blankets!" retorted her brother. "Doos oo think Crocodiles goes walks wizout blankets? And he frowned with his eyebrows. And the Goat was welly flightened at his eyebrows!"

"Eet seem terrifying to ze leetle Mam'zelle because she is unused eh? Me! I be terrified at ze beeg city where she come from, p'r'aps. Zey tell Pete 'bout waggings run wizout horses, like stea'mill. Ugh! No wanter see dem. Debbil in 'em," and he laughed, not unpleasantly, making a small joke of the suggestion.

"And if in other days and hours, Mid other fluffs and other flowers, The choice were given me how to dine 'Name what thou wilt: it shalt be thine! Oh, then I see The life for me Ipwergis-Pudding to consume, And drink the subtle Azzigoom!" "Oo may leave off playing now, Sylvie. I can do the uvver tune much better wizout a compliment."

"Goot effning, Herr Socrates," he said, with a stiff bow. "Bon jour!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat. "Only, if it pleases you my dear Professor Garlick, my name ees wizout ze final syllable." "Und mine it iss Garla-a-ach, und not like de leek vat you eat!" exclaimed the German. "They're off!" said Jack in a whisper to Sam. "Your pardon!" came from Mr. Socrat. "I am in error.

"It has been my habit, among zese Arabs, zese negroes, zese ragged Kabyles from ze mountains. I would not trust my life wizout zis." Then he suddenly flourishes before John's eyes, delighted with the spectacle, a genuine American bull-dog revolver, which, judging from its appearance, is capable of doing considerable execution when held by a determined hand, and guided with a quick eye.

It not only gifs us a better Drachenflieger, but it remofes our last uneasiness as to Great Pritain. Wizout you, sir, Great Pritain, ze land you lofed so well and zat has requited you so ill, zat land of Pharisees and reptiles, can do nozzing! nozzing! You see, I am perfectly frank wiz you. Well, I am instructed that Chermany recognises all this. We want you to place yourself at our disposal.

"What we want," said a dark, ill-looking, but finely-dressed man, setting his claret down, "and what we have got to have, is" he was speaking in French, but gave the want in English "Representesh'n wizout Taxa " There his eye fell upon Frowenfeld and followed him with a scowl.

He was a tall, lean man, having a bald head but a thick, iron-gray beard, and his black eyes sparkled brightly from behind a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. After attentively regarding the boy for a time he said, in broken English: "But, M'sieur, how can you fly wizout ze ze machine? I have experiment myself wiz some air-ship; but you zere is nossing to make go!"

My daughters left me while I slept. 'Yes 'm, the Badger said: 'it's as you say. 'They should be better kept. Thus the poor parents talked the time away, And wept, and wept, and wept." Here Bruno broke off suddenly. "The Herrings' Song wants anuvver tune, Sylvie," he said. "And I ca'n't sing it not wizout oo plays it for me!"