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"He could not have known about the Sergeant, for that was after he had sent his note." He had time to say this to himself, for the Major was staring at him in amazement. "What! What! What!" he exclaimed. "How how dah you, sir? I'd have you to know that when I address my subordinates ahem! arrrum! I that is hum dear me, how confoundedly you have grown like your father, Archibald! Just his manner.

"Yes, I bet you will; en you won't stop dah, nuther. But I ain't gwine to tell you heah " "Good gracious, no!" "Is you 'feared o' de ha'nted house?" "N-no." "Well, den, you come to de ha'nted house 'bout ten or 'leven tonight, en climb up de ladder, 'ca'se de sta'rsteps is broke down, en you'll find me. I's a-roostin' in de ha'nted house 'ca'se I can't 'ford to roos' nowher's else."

"But how are we to manage? Here, you must find some tough cane to lay the head on." "I know now," cried Pomp, taking the pole. "What are you going to do?" I said. "Put um down um troat. So." As he spoke, he ran the pole through the open jaws and out at the neck, so that the head was safely swinging in the middle. "Dah," he said, "now you carry dat end, I carry dis end.

Dem bwoy kin blow ebry day eben Sunday dem kin blow. When ah yerry dem blow Sunday ah wish dah bugle kin go down na dem troat or dem kin blow them head-bone inside. Do nah beg you yah tell all dem people 'bout dah ting wah dem two bwoy dah blow. Till am Amtrang Boboh hab febah bad. Till am titty carn sleep nah night. Dah nize go kill me two pickin, oh! Plabba done. Good by Daddy. Crashey Jane."

"Nice hot cake, sah, for de capen, and Pomp got fibe more juss done. Dat one for capen, one for Mass' George, one for Pomp fader, one for Pomp. How many dat make?" "Four," I said, in the same mechanical way. "Four, and den dah two more for a-morrow mornin'." "Oh, Pomp," I said, "how can you think of such things now!" "Eh? Cos such boofle fire, and Pomp know where de barl ob flour.

"Dah now, dah now," cried the woman, casting a pitying glance at the child, "dat's de las' t'ing. He des a feelin' roun' now. You po', ign'ant, mothahless chil'. You ain' nevah had no step-mothah, an' you don' know what hit means." "But she'd tek keer o' the chillen," persisted Patsy. "Sich tekin' keer of 'em ez hit 'u'd be. She'd keer fu' 'em to dey graves.

The apprentice works the bellows, and at a nod from the smith pulls out the glowing metal, and the two thump away at it cheerily, and shove it back and heap up the charcoal, the bellows go again, and the smith has three whiffs at his pipe; it is a dah, or sword, they are making, welding one bit of iron after another into one piece.

He dropped back and vanished into the gulf without a sound. Jack recovered his bar, and waited with a stern, grim face for the next attack. It was a life and death struggle now, and it was his duty to guard the gap. Mr. Haydon caught up the dah which had flown from the hand of the Kachin, and swung it with a deep guttural sound of satisfaction. Me Dain had his great knife in his hand.

She say dar ain’t no hell, an’ ef you an’ de Archbishop an’ de Angel Gabriel come along an’ ’low dey a hell, you all liars,’ an’ he say, ‘Make way dah, I’se a gittin’ out o’ heah; dis ain’t no town fittin’ to hol’ a Sanchun. Make way ef you don’ wants to go to Kingdom come fo’ yo’ time.’ “Well, I ’lows dey did make way. Only Père Antoine, he look mighty sorry an’ down cas’.

I had managed to check the boat enough to let the oar overtake us, and Pomp made a snatch at it, but drew back sharply with a low cry of horror. "What's the matter now?" I said. "Make haste; you'll lose it." "Great big Injum down dah," he whispered, hoarsely. "Um want to bite off poor Pomp arm." "Nonsense! How could an Indian be there?" I said, as we floated on side by side with the oar. "Injum?