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She is really beautiful. To-morrow I dine chez la Raz. The law business goes on slowly; may be finished about Tuesday next, after which I shall hasten to those who love me, when I shall endeavour to rouse them from their lethargy, and give them a little zest for life. Just now I recollect that I have no letter from you this morning, at which I was confoundedly vexed.

"Any fellow there would have paid you the same compliment if you had given him a chance; but you were so confoundedly wrapped up in that Italian chap that you would not look at the rest of us." "I don't care for the compliment," she said, cooling down directly: "I care for the truth. They don't know if I sing well or not." "Then you only sing to be admired, Miss Furnaval?"

Not to speak of the last piece of intelligence, it is very good, is it not?" "Capital, indeed," said I, trying to laugh, and at the same time blushing confoundedly, and looking as ridiculously as need be.

"Jack," one fellow would say, "my horse is too confoundedly high strung, and only half broke. He threw me yesterday." "I'll ride him for you, Bill," would be the ready reply; "give me your spurs, and I'll give him a lesson." And away he would go, without a thought of his neck, to mount a restive rascal that had half killed the rough rider of a cavalry regiment.

He expected to have been peaceably settled down in Lisbon for the next six months, and he has received orders to set out for Beresford's headquarters immediately; and from what I hear, they have no idle time." "Well, Sparks, how goes it, man? Better fun this than the cook's galley, eh?" "Why, do you know, these hurried movements put me out confoundedly.

The captain chose the largest and most luxurious chair, sat down in it, and lighted a cigar at his leisure. "Confoundedly stupid hole!" he said with a refined vigor one would scarcely have expected from an individual of his birth and breeding. "I shall leave to-morrow, of course. What was my mother thinking of? Stupid business from first to last."

Some of these sentences, moreover, were confoundedly disquieting to me, coming as they did to corroborate much that I felt myself; corroboration, too which made it so much more convincing from a totally different point of view.

Thus did I meditate upon this singular note my delight at being once more "free" mingling with some chagrin that I was jockied, and by a young miss of eighteen, too. Confoundedly disagreeable if the mess knew it, thought I. Per Baccho how they would quiz upon my difficulty to break off a match, when the lady was only anxious to get rid of me.

Happy they who can find in every jester the wit of Sterne or Swift; who else can wade through hundreds of thickly-printed pages to obtain for their reward such witticisms as the following: "Two Irishmen having travelled on foot from Chester to Barnet, were confoundedly tired and fatigued by their journey; and the more so when they were told that they had still about ten miles to go.

Brayder followed the curvings of the whiff of his cigar with his eyes, and ejaculated, "Infernally philosophic!" "Has Lord Mountfalcon left the island?" Adrian inquired. "Mount? to tell the truth I don't know where he is. Chasing some light craft, I suppose. That's poor Mount's weakness. It's his ruin, poor fellow! He's so confoundedly in earnest at the game."