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"Elizabeth, come here!" said Henchard; and she obeyed. "Why do you lower yourself so confoundedly?" he said with suppressed passion. "Haven't I told you o't fifty times? Hey? Making yourself a drudge for a common workwoman of such a character as hers! Why, ye'll disgrace me to the dust!"

She sat with her head leaning on her hand. 'Why don't you go and see Reardon? John asked of his mother. 'What would be the use? Perhaps he would tell me to mind my own business. 'By jingo! precisely what you would be doing. I think you ought to see him and give him to understand that he's behaving in a confoundedly ungentlemanly way. Evidently he's the kind of fellow that wants stirring up.

We talked it over a great deal, and I hope you will believe that we studied throughout that we were most solicitous from beginning to end for Miss Gage's happiness, and that if we could have foreseen or imagined if we could have taken any steps I trust you will believe " I was furious at myself for being so confoundedly apologetic, for I was thinking all the time of the bother and affliction we had had with the girl; and there sat that little wooden image accepting my self-inculpations, and apparently demanding more of me; but I could not help going on in the same strain: "We felt especially bound in the matter, from the fact that Mr.

"I can't say exactly. You don't look quite yourself, sir," Franklin owned up. "You seem to have a confoundedly piercing eye," said the captain in such an aggressive tone that Franklin was moved to defend himself. "We have been together now over six years, sir, so I suppose I know you a bit by this time. I could see there was something wrong directly you came on board."

Basil stared indignantly for a few minutes. Then he was shaken for an instant with one of his sudden laughs. "Poor little boys," he said. "But it almost serves them right for holding such silly views, after all," and he quaked again with amusement "there's something confoundedly Darwinian about it." "I suppose you mean to help us?" said Rupert.

I was confoundedly frightened myself, and thought I had done a very foolish thing; but as I had no time to lose, I rang the bell furiously, and seeing some jars with fresh flowers in them, I caught them up and poured plentiful libations over the faces and necks of the young ladies; but Emily came in for much the largest share, which proves that I had neither lost my presence of mind nor my love for her.

"I pursued the instructions," said Curran; "and, as I had no eyes save those in front, fancied the mastiff was in full retreat: but I was confoundedly mistaken; for at the very moment I thought myself victorious, the enemy attacked my rear, and having got a reasonably good mouthful out of it, was fully prepared to take another before I was rescued.

Anyway, you'll have to help us in the meantime, Geoffrey, and in opening a small bank account I made your signature necessary on every check." "It's a confoundedly unpleasant position under the circumstances. What on earth could my kinsman have been thinking of when he forced it upon me of all men?" Geoffrey responded with a rueful face.

"Of course," I answered, taking his offered hand; "you know I am wedded to her, for better, for worse, until death or shipwreck doth us part." "Ay, so I've always told the ladies 'there is no other matrimony in Wallingford, I've said often, 'than that which will make him a ship's husband. But you look confoundedly well the sea agrees with you, famously."

But coffee and cigars found him a different man. He ceased to be the enthusiast, the omnivorous and versatile inquirer, and relapsed into the ordinary good fellow, who is no cleverer than his neighbours. "We're confoundedly obliged to you," said George. "Haystoun is keen enough, but when he was out last time he seems to have been very slack about the sport."