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Jack's weapon fell with a ringing clash of steel across the dah of the leading man, beat it down, went on, and bit deeply into the Kachin's skull. The latter reeled against his companion and clutched him. For a second they swayed, then both men fell heavily together to the ground.

It was darker than ever as I got round the remains of the fort, and knowing that the ground there was free from impediment, I was in the act of breaking into a trot, when there was a curious stifled sound in front a noise as of an axe falling on wood; and my companion sprang at me and dragged me back. "Mass' George," he whispered, "Injum dah. Come ober big fence."

I was a-bilin'! I says: "'I lay I MAKE you mine! "En wid dat I fetch' her a slap side de head dat sont her a-sprawlin'. Den I went into de yuther room, en 'uz gone 'bout ten minutes; en when I come back dah was dat do' a-stannin' open YIT, en dat chile stannin' mos' right in it, a-lookin' down and mournin', en de tears runnin' down. My, but I WUZ mad!

Aunt Agnes was grumbling now at Hosmer’s proposal that promised to keep her another quarter of an hour from her expectant family, when a big lumbering creaking wagon drove up, with its load of baled cotton all covered with tarpaulins. “Dah!” exclaimed Nathan at sight of the wagon, “ef I’d ’a listened to yo’ jawin’ what?”

I skips along out towards t'other end o' de house to see what's gwine on, en stops by de ole winder on de side towards Pudd'nhead Wilson's house dat ain't got no sash in it but dey ain't none of 'em got any sashes, for as dat's concerned en I stood dah in de dark en look out, en dar in the moonlight, right down under me 'uz one o' de twins a-cussin' not much, but jist a-cussin' soft it 'uz de brown one dat 'uz cussin, 'ca'se he 'uz hit in de shoulder.

"I haven't the slightest idea of telling the colonel or anybody, George," said Paul, smiling; "and I am glad to find on your own account that you are able to put aside any work beyond your duty here." "Thank yo', sah. If yo' 'll let me introduce yo' to de refreshment, yo' 'll find it all right now. De Glencoe is dah.

We hurried close at the negro's heels to the main hatch. "Look dah!" The negro rested the blunt tip of one of his great fingers on the deck. Some sharp tool had dropped beside the hatch and had cut a straight, thin line where it fell. "Chisel done dat." We were communicating in whispers now, and with a finger at his lips the cook gave us a warning glance.

Dah go de gong! I knowed dat wasn't no staht. Troop back dah, you raskils, hyah, hyah. "I wush dat boy wouldn't do so much jummying erroun' wid dat hoss. Fust t'ing he know he ain't gwine to know whaih he's at. "Dah, dah dey go ag'in. Hit's a sho' t'ing dis time. Bettah, Jim, bettah. Dey didn't leave you dis time. Hug dat bay mare, hug her close, boy. Don't press dat hoss yit.

And we had him up to the sick-room, and had a high talk; and Tom give Jim forty dollars for being prisoner for us so patient, and doing it up so good, and Jim was pleased most to death, and busted out, and says: "DAH, now, Huck, what I tell you? what I tell you up dah on Jackson islan'? I TOLE you I got a hairy breas', en what's de sign un it; en I TOLE you I ben rich wunst, en gwineter to be rich AGIN; en it's come true; en heah she is!

'Sides, we all's gwine way off yander, an' we can't 'pear no ways 'spectable 'dout little cash money." "But, Winnie, only Nelly and I are going away. You are free now, and will find other friends, and " "Dah! dah! honey," broke in the poor old creature, "don' say no mo'! I's 'bleeged to go 'long. Wat I want to be free for? Who gwine keer 'bout me?