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"My, my!" he exclaimed. "That's pretty bad, that is. I'd hate to have your cat killed, Mary-'Gusta, land knows I would. But if the critter's a chicken thief " "But he ain't! I KNOW he ain't!" "Humph! You can't always tell, you know cats are cats and " "But I know David wasn't the cat that did it. I KNOW he wasn't" "Oh, you know, do you. Hm! you do seem pretty sartin, that's a fact.

He was standing in the middle of the floor, full in the firelight, when the old man reached the threshold standing in a trance, with a cartridge-belt in his hand. "Good fer you, Isom " The cry was apologetic, and stopped short. "The critter's fersakcn," he quavered, and cowed by the boy's strange look, the old man shrank away from him along the wall. But Isom seemed neither to see nor hear.

'Father John! says I. 'I can't stop, says he; 'I must see that poor critter's family; they must be in great trouble, and a sick visit is afore controvarsy in my creed. 'Well, says I, 'one word with you afore you go; if that 'ere name Popish priest was an ongenteel one, I ax your pardon; I didn't mean no offence, I do assure you, and I'll say this for your satisfaction, tu; you're the first man in this Province that ever gave me a real right down complete checkmate since I first sot foot in it, I'll be skinned if you ain't.

There ain't no use in makin' rules about bar ettyket, cuz ef you do, some miserable pig-headed bar will break 'um all ter smash, jest like this 'ere one did. But I think there is a good deal surer way uv accountin' for the critter's action than what you say. It's my idee that he mistook the baby for a young pig."

He was to the pasture, and we've got some young cattle, and somehow or 'nother one he'd caught and was meaning to lead home give a jump, and John lost his balance; he says he can't see how 't should 'a' happened, but over he went and got jammed against a rock before he could let go o' the rope he'd put round the critter's neck.

I wouldn't have him see me in this rig for all the cider I drank to-night. There's some left in the old pitcher, so fetch him along, and comfort the critter's heart with a few swigs."

I was lookin' the hosses over when Price come out. 'Wa'al, what do you think of 'em? he says. "'Likely pair, I says, goin' over an' examinin' the nigh one's feet an' legs. 'Sore forr'ed? I says, lookin' up at the driver. "'A trifle, sir, he says, touchin' his hat. "'What's that? says Price, comin' up an' examinin' the critter's face an' head.

By this time Elbridge had found out that Abel was in earnest, and had something to tell. He looked at the litter in the mustang's stall, then at the crib. "Ha'n't ëat b't haälf his feed. Ha'n't been daown on his straw. Must ha' been took aout somewhere abaout ten 'r 'leven o'clock. I know that 'ere critter's ways. The fellah's had him aout nights afore; b't I never thought nothin' o' no mischief.

"We are not much of cowards, we guides, we get accustomed to awfulness down in the bowels of the earth; but when that critter's shrieks first came to my ear, I just shivered all over and my feet rooted to the ground, not that I did not wish to save him, the poor devil, but I got an idea that that shriek came right straight from hell and no mistake, and I had no fancy to go there before I was sent for!

Legree looked stupefied Tom was so respectful but at last burst forth: "What, ye blasted black beast! tell me ye don't think it right to do what I tell ye. So ye pretend it's wrong to flog the girl?" "I think so, mas'r," said Tom. "'Twould be downright cruel, the poor critter's sick and feeble.