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Updated: August 1, 2024

"No more they ain't," was the reply. "But how could that track be there, if there was no bear to make it?" inquired Ned. "But it ain't a bear's track," said Jerry, attentively regarding it without dismounting from his horse. "But it certainly is some creature's track," said I. "You'll admit that, won't you?" "Admit it? No; sartin not: that ain't no critter's track," declared Jerry.

"Such a piece of work as I hed to ghet up that critter's mouth!" said Polly, laughing, as she assisted Laura in putting the last graces to my simple toilet before tea. "There, now, Miss Sampson to be! I declare to man, you never looked better. "'Roses red, violets blue, Pinks is pootty, and so be you."

By this time, Tonoi, the illustrious descendant of the Bishops of Imeeo, was twenty feet from the ground. "Aramai! come down, you old fool!" cried the Yankee; "the pesky critter's on t'other side of the island afore this." "I rayther guess," he continued, as we began reloading, "that we've spoiled sport by firing at that 'ere tarnal hog.

You'll find aout'z soon 'z y' go into that 'ere stable o' yourn! Y' won't curry that 'ere long-tailed black hoss no more; 'n' y' won't set y'r eyes on the fellah that rid him, ag'in, in a hurry!" Elbridge walked straight to the stable, without saying a word, found the door unlocked, and went in. "Th' critter's gone, sure enough!" he said. "Glad on 't!

You'll find aout 'z soon 'z y' go into that 'ere stable o' yourn! Y' won't curry that 'ere long-tailed black hoss no more; 'n' y' won't set y'r eyes on the fellah that rid him, ag'in, in a hurry!" Elbridge walked straight to the stable, without saying a word, found the door unlocked, and went in. "Th' critter's gone, sure enough!" he said. "Glad on't!

Taking up his pail he began moving among the flowers, and soon found a honey-bee sipping from the cup of a rose-raspberry. He said he knew at once the face of his own bee, "to say nothin' of the critter's talk" meaning its buzzing of wings. A glass with honey from the tin pail soon captured the bee: uneasy at first, it was soon sipping the sweets.

He ce'tainly was a sight rollin' down Main Street anchored to that critter's tail." "I'll bet Blister was glad to put his foot on the rail at Dolan's," Dud murmured. "I'd be kinda glad to do that same my own se'f right now." "Blister went to bed and stayed there for a spell. He was a sick man." Harshaw's eye caught sight of some black specks on a distant hillside. "Cattle.

His lip curled up till you could catch the glisten of those wicked white teeth of his, an' then when the hoss was right alongside an' it looked as if he had lost his chance, he gave a couple of short jumps an' threw himself for the critter's nose. Well, I can't rightly tell you just what did happen then.

'It's kind o' melancholy, says I, 'to think o' them poor critters that had to be killed and buried jest to keep this 'ere treasure. What awful things 'll be brought to light in the judgment day! Them poor critters they loved to live and hated to die as much as any on us; but no, they hed to die jest to satisfy that critter's wicked will.

Neither the words nor the weapon makes things any clearer to Walt, but rather add to their complication. With increased astonishment he cries out, "Geehorum! Am I myself, or somebody else? Is't a dream, or not? That's my ole shootin' stick, sartin. I left it over my hoss, arter cuttin' the poor critter's throat. Maybe you've got him too?

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