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Remember," she cried, in a solemn voice, "your father's shoe; never put on your own without remembering how the Chouans filled it with his blood, and kill the Chouans!" She swayed her head with so convulsive an action that the meshes of her black hair fell upon her neck and gave a sinister expression to her face. "I call Saint-Labre to witness," she said, "that I vow you to the Blues.

Her head sank on her breast; her quick convulsive breathing was the only sound that broke the silence. Mrs. Linley advanced to the place in which Sydney stood. There was something divine in her beauty as she looked at the shrinking girl, and held out her hand. Sydney fell on her knees. In silence she lifted that generous hand to her lips. In silence, Mrs.

With a convulsive and powerful movement of his neck he flung his head back, and said aloud: "Give me air!" A quiver ran through his body; his head dropped limply on his shoulder, and in his wide open eyes the cold light of the lamp burning over the bed was reflected dully. "My darling!" whispered the mother, firmly pressing his hand, which suddenly grew heavy.

Do not hang your head, but look up boldly, and tell him what you can do. John sat down to the table, yet was unable to eat anything, in fear and trembling of the things to come. It was not long before Mr. Councillor Bellamy made his appearance. Poor John tried hard to keep his head erect as ordered, and made a convulsive effort to deliver himself of the first sentences of his prepared speech.

Saying which and with another glance down the road, he started upon his way. The victor stood regarding his foe, who made one or two convulsive movements as if to arise, but fell back with the blood spouting from the wound and out his mouth.

The queen's confessor, Father Guarini, now rose from his knees, and, approaching the queen, he said, in a solemn, commanding voice: "My daughter, by virtue of my profession, as a servant of the holy mother church, to whom is due obedience and trust, I command you to deliver up to this man the key of this door." The queen's head fell upon her breast, and hollow, convulsive groans escaped her.

Gorgo sat by the bed of her apparently lifeless father, gazing fondly at the worn and wax-like features, and listening to his breathing, now soft and easy and again painful and convulsive, as it fluttered through his nostrils. She held his cold damp hand tightly clasped, or stroked it gently, or now and then, when his closed eyelids quivered, raised it tenderly to her lips.

The butter, jerked from the knife by the convulsive start which he gave, popped up in a semi-circle and plumped onto the tablecloth. He recovered himself quickly. "Sorry!" he said. "You mustn't mind that. They want me to be second-string for the 'Boosting the Butter' event at the next Olympic Games, and I'm practising all the time. . . . Underhill was there, eh?" "Yes." "You met him?" "Yes."

The appeal came at too early a period of his anguish, and was totally unattended to; he continued to remain prostrate, indicating, by sobs so bitter and violent, that they shook the bed and partition against which it rested, by clenched hands which grasped the bed-clothes, and by the vehement and convulsive motion of his legs, how deep and how terrible was the agony of a father's sorrow.

"My brave fellow," said Chutney, in a husky voice, kneeling down and clasping Melton's hand, "I refuse to accept your sacrifice. I shall remain here with you and we will meet our fate together. Canaris, save yourself while there is yet time. I will not desert my friend." The Greek paused irresolutely. The convulsive workings of his face showed the struggle going on in his mind.