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I'm made of a different bit o' stuff to that. I say, lookye here, Master Carey; I bleeve it's all flam and bunkum. He aren't got no magazine to fire, or else he aren't got no pluck to do it. There won't be no blow up, and we're a-going to face it with a bit o' British waller, eh?" "Yes, Bob, we must face it," replied Carey. "That's right, sir; then we'll do it comf'table and like men.

Ef you hed a purty comf'table hum on t'other side, 'n' few thousan' dollars 'n the bank, 'n' bosses 'n' everything fixed fer a good time, 'n' all uv a sudden ye found yerself 'n sech a gol-dum dungeon es this here, what 'u'd you dew?" The guard was fixing the wick of his candle, and made no answer. "Want ye t' think it all over," said D'ri. "See ef ye can't think o' suthin' soothin' t' say.

"'Cause I tell you to, for one thing," said the widow, with decision. "And because I'm well and strong and you ain't. When I think of how I got you, a half invalid, as you might say, to come on this crazy trip I'm so provoked I feel like not speakin' to myself for a week. There! now you LOOK more comf'table, anyhow. If I only had somethin' to put over you, I'd feel better.

I should like to run and shout." "Then you just won't, my lad. But it do seem jolly and comf'table like. I feel as if I could sit down and whistle for hours. Now then, don't you get that line tangled. I've laid it all in a hank ready to run out; and don't ram them hooks in your fingers, because they're hard to cut out. Now, you carry them and the shell o' bait and I'll carry you."

"We're about seven miles from Port Orford by land an' about ten miles by sea." "Do you live at Port Orford?" inquired the sailor. "That's what we do, friend; an' if your party wants to join us we'll do our best to make you comf'table, bein' as you're shipwrecked an' need help."

"Years ago I swore by all that was good and great I'd look out for you and see that you was comf'table and happy long's you lived. And instead of that, when I come here last night LED here, I know now that I was my mind was about made up to take your home away from you, if I could. Yes, sir, I was cal'latin' to foreclose on you and sell this place to Kendrick.

I've hired a chap at the garage here to drive me to Boston in his car and I'll take the midnight train over." "Humph! Well, if you must, you must. Hope you have a comf'table trip, Mr. Fosdick. Better wrap up warm; it's pretty nigh a five-hour run to Boston and there's some cool wind over the Ostable marshes this time of year. Good-by, sir. Glad to have had this talk with you."

'I didn't invite him, he says, 'but he looked so bloomin' comf'table I 'adn't the 'eart to disturb 'im. Same way with me; the child seemed so comf'table here I ain't had the heart to disturb her yet." "But she said she was goin' to stay," put in Bailey. "You ain't goin' to KEEP her, are you?" The captain's indignation was intense. "Who me?" he snorted. "What do you think I am?

Zach Bloomer, the irrepressible, leaned over and breathed into his neighbor's ear. "Say, Mr. Bangs," he whispered, "if you was a sperit would you leave a comf'table berth up aloft to come and anchor alongside THAT noise?" The "noise" became more enthusiastic as the musician warmed to her work. Miss Hoag stirred uneasily in her chair. Captain Jethro bent toward her.

"Then," said the girl anxiously, "we must hurry up, or Cap'n Bill an' Trot will get too small to be comf'table." They were proceeding at a rapid pace during this conversation, for the Hungry Tiger and the Cowardly Lion were obliged to move swiftly in order to keep pace with the Glass Cat.