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The children took this to be bitter irony, which means saying the exact opposite of what you mean in order to make yourself disagreeable; as when you happen to have a dirty face, and someone says, 'How nice and clean you look! 'We're very sorry, began Anthea, but old Nurse said 'Oh, bless me, child, I don't care! Please yourselves and you'll please me. Come in and get your dinners comf'table.

He turned to the Colonel: "You'll get over trying to wear cheechalko boots here nothing like mucklucks with a wisp of straw inside for this country." "I agree wid ye. I got me a pair in St. Michael's," says O'Flynn proudly, turning out his enormous feet. "Never wore anything so comf'table in me life." "You ought to have drill parkis too, like this of mine, to keep out the wind."

"It's a pow'ful comf'table feelin'," he said, "to set up in a nice safe place like this, an' feel that the woods is full o' ragin' heathen, seekin' to devour you, and wonderin' whar you've gone to. Thar's a heap in knowin' how to pick your home.

"Nothin' like burnin' wood to look hot and comf'table, is there? It don't always make you feel that way that's why I put in hot water heat but for looks and sociableness you can't beat a log fire. Smoke, do you?" "Yes. Occasionally. But, Captain Warren " "Here, try that. It's a cigar the Judge gave me over to Ostable. He smokes that kind reg'lar, but if you don't like it, throw it away.

This confidence impressed Cap'n Bill, who said with a sigh: "Well, if you MUST go, Trot, I've pervided a machine that'll carry you both comf'table. I'm summat of an inventor myself, though there ain't any magic about me." Then he brought from the shed the contrivance he had made the night before. It was merely a swing seat.

I ain't rich, but I've got money enough to help you and him and me afloat and comf'table. Thankful, will you?" Thankful was still looking at him. He would have spoken again, but she raised her hand and motioned him to silence. "Obed," she asked, after a moment, "what made you say this to me?" "What made me say it? What kept me still so long, you ought to ask.

"I should be down sick by the time it got up as far as a thousand, and anything past two thousand you could use to buy my tombstone with. . . . There, there, Mother," he added, noticing the hurt look on her face, "don't feel bad. I'm only jokin'. One of these days Al's goin' to make a nice, comf'table livin' sellin' lumber and hardware right here in South Harniss.

I used to see her name in the Boston papers occasionally, givin' parties at Newport and one thing a'nother. I never envied 'em that kind of life. I'm as well fixed as I want to be. Got some money put by for a rainy spell, comf'table house and land, best town on earth to live in and work for; I'm satisfied and always have been.

We'll settle for passage tomorrow mornin'. Now, ma'am," turning to Thankful, "you and your relation want to make yourselves as comf'table as you can. This is Miss Parker, Kenelm's sister. Hannah, this is Mrs. Barnes, Eben Barnes' widow. You've heard me speak of him. And this is Miss Howes. I cal'late they're hungry and I know they're wet.

"No, it's all right," she replied, "for mebbe you'd like to wash an' fix up 'fore dinner, so I'll jest show ye where to," and she led the way upstairs and into the "front parlor bedroom." "There," she said, "make yourself comf'table, an' dinner 'll be ready in about ten minutes." For a moment John mentally rubbed his eyes. Then he turned and caught both of Mrs.