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"I want your big team to haul some lumber out from town. Where are they? If you don't mind catching them up while I help get this stuff unloaded, we'll have things moving around here directly." "Shore I'll ketch 'em up fur ye, soon as I find Compadre and give him this here bone. He's been kinda off his feed since that coyote clumb his frame.

I clumb up the shed and crept into my window just before day was breaking. My new clothes was all greased up and clayey, and I was dog-tired. WELL, I got a good going-over in the morning from old Miss Watson on account of my clothes; but the widow she didn't scold, but only cleaned off the grease and clay, and looked so sorry that I thought I would behave awhile if I could.

Yo' air the nurse what lives with ... with thet thar doctor man ... in the big city, whar air monkeys thet ... clumb sticks an' ... an' doll babies what close thar eyes ... an' say ... an' say ... My head hurts me, Smiles, hit do."

He thought it was Tom's ghost, you see. Tom clumb aboard, and when Jim found it WAS him, and not his ghost, he hugged him, and called him all sorts of loving names, and carried on like he was gone crazy, he was so glad. Says I: "What did you wait for, Tom? Why didn't you come up at first?" "I dasn't, Huck. I knowed somebody plunged down past me, but I didn't know who it was in the dark.

I clumb up here with a big electric street light shinin' square on my back, why, darn the luck, I had to turn my back on it 'cause the light hurt my eyes, and there were two cops standin' right down below here talkin' about the crime wave bein' all bunk, both of 'em arguin' that the best proof that there ain't no crime wave is the fact that the jails are only half full, showin' that the city is gettin' more and more honest all the time.

"Good stuff," agreed Barry, interest in the queer old fellow in some degree modifying his impatience. "But what about a ship? Want to ship out of here?" "That's me. I clumb down th' cable out of a man-o'-fight, all on 'count o' th' paint an' scrape an' polish of a new Old Man we got.

So Wright, he kep' still tel he got her buried all right, you know, and went back home; and then he clumb down and lit out fer town, and waked up the constabul and he got a supeeny and went out to Fox's place, and had him jerked up 'fore the gran' jury.

That there Fly cayuse sure left me, but he didn't take me appetite." After the third cup of coffee and the seventh doughnut, Sundown asserted that he felt better. They sauntered out to the street. "How in blazes did you get loose?" queried Shoop, surveying the unkempt adventurer with frank amazement. "Blazes is correct. I clumb out of the window." "Set her on fire?"

They put the burglars into the new jail, but they all got out, an' no one knows how they did it. Nate Bradley come back on his milk-cart from Bailey's and he says he went into the jail, an' the cells was all locked up, so they must have clumb out through the bars somehow. Gee! No one can find old Mose Silloway, an' they think the burglars drownded him, outer revenge. Giddap!"

Why, sir, he thess took one look at the gate an' then he cut an' run hard ez he could limped acrost the yard thess like a flash o' zig-zag lightnin' an' 'fore anybody could stop him, he had clumb to the tip top o' the butter-bean arbor clumb it thess like a cat an' there he set, a-swingin' his feet under him, an' laughin', the rain thess a-streakin' his hair all over his face.