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Updated: August 17, 2024

I'd run all the way too. . . . Besides, you hear it." Relief, of a sudden, broke over Captain Cai's face. "It's the box!" he cried. With that he was aware of the sound of a merry laugh behind him a feminine laugh, too, not less musical than the melody still tinkling at his feet.

"I wonder " mused Mrs Bosenna. "Where is he?" Cai's bewildered brain darted at the impossible stratagem of intercepting Skin and getting the letters from him. "Stabling the pony at this moment, I expect. . . . But I don't understand. What letters are you talkin' about? What sort of letters?" "There there was one from me and one from 'Bias "

If Cai's thought might be read in his face, he would not have greatly minded that, just now. "In the matter of these letters for instance " "I wonder if she ever got 'em?" "You bet she did. She's been playin' us off, one against t'other, ever since." "We let our feelin's carry us away." "We let Peter Benny's feelin's carry us away," 'Bias corrected him. "That's the worst of these writin' chaps.

And at the same moment 'Bias could behave so callously to a once-dear friend to a friend bringing glad tidings to a friend, moreover, rejoicing to bring them, though they meant his own undoing! It was almost inconceivable. It was quite unintelligible unless you supposed the man's nature to be perverted, and by this woman. Cai's heart was bruised.

He seemed, in fact, to delight in hearing a case from every point of view; and by consequence it could be securely predicted of any given race in Passage Regatta that "You had never lost till you'd won." Now, on Cai's secret recommendation the Committee had engaged the boy Palmerston who was quick at sums to stand by Mr Willett during the forenoon and count out the cash for him.

Two hundred there were, and all in bank notes: but only one hundred belonged to him and I only found that out the other day, when he heard that Mr Rogers had put it into the Saltypool, and there was a row. As for the other Lawks, you don't tell me 'twas yours!" exclaimed Fancy, catching at the sudden surmise written on Cai's face. "Why not? . . . If he treated 'Bias that way?

Fancy moved to the door. "Well," said she, "I'm sorry for the cause of it: but duty's duty, and I reckon I've news to make 'em sit up." She went downstairs resolutely and knocked at Cai's parlour door. "Come in! . . . Eh, so it's you, missy? No worse news of the invalid, I hope?" "He isn' goin' to die to-day, nor yet to-morrow, if that's what you mean. May I take a chair?" "Why, to be sure."

Cai bein' a man of spirit, with all his faults." "Well," she decided, "unless we can find his money for him, he'll have to marry her, whether or no. 'Faults, indeed? I believe," went on the wise child, "you two be more to one another than that woman ever was to either, or ever will be." "We won't discuss that," said 'Bias, "now that Cai's got to marry her."

Truly you may. Tell me only what I can do." At this moment William Skin a crab-apple of a man, whose infirmity of deafness had long since reduced all the world for him to a vain tolerable show, in which so much went unexplained that nothing caused surprise came stumbling around the corner of the house with a waggon-rope and a second ladder, which he proceeded to rest alongside the first one; showing the while no recognition of Cai's presence, even by a nod.

We are busy, you see, and some of my new beauties have the most dreadful thorns! . . . By the way" she glanced over her shoulder, following Cai's incredulous stare. "I believe you know Mr Middlecoat? Yes, yes, of course I remember!"

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