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"Well, since compliments are flyin' to-day, that's a fine new hat you're wearin'. And I like the badge in your buttonhole: red with gold letters it gives ye quite a smart appearance. What's the writin' on it?" "'President. 'Tis the only red-and-gold badge in the show. Smart? I tell 'ee I'm feelin' smart." It was indeed Cai's day his hour, rather of triumph.

"You know well enough what we agreed," was Cai's tame conclusion. "Where's the bird, ma'am?" asked 'Bias dully. Both men felt that all was over between them now, though neither quite understood how it had happened. "It it seems I've offended you, and I ask your pardon. As for my doin' this o' purpose well, you must believe it or not.

By the time Cai pressed the hasp of the gate, he had arrived at viewing himself as a man launched by his own strong will on a necessary errand, and carrying it through against inclination, for the sake of a friend. "I hope it won't be a blow to him, whichever way it turns out," was the thought in Cai's mind as he knocked on the front door.

"Hush!" she commanded. "How can you talk so with all these hundreds of eyes upon us?" "I don't care." Cai's voice rose recklessly. "Oh, hush! or the crew'll hear us?" "I don't care, I tell you." "But I do I care very much. . . . You don't pay me compliments when we're alone," she protested, changing the subject slightly. "I mean 'em all the time."

"'Trust is proof," she answered, quoting the rustic adage. "You have given me some right to make that proof, I think?" Ah to be sure the letters! She must, of course, have received his letter, along with 'Bias's, though this was her first allusion to it. . . . Cai's brain worked in a whirl for some moments.

Thereupon he fled in quest of the lamp. Cai and 'Bias supped together that night, greatly to Mrs Bowldler's relief. But they exchanged a very few words during the meal, being poor hands at dissimulation. The meal, for the third time running, was laid in Cai's parlour, Mrs Bowldler having delicately elected to ignore the upset caused by the parrot and to treat yesterday as a dies non.