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Updated: August 6, 2024

When Sandy wuz wid me he had on gray clo's, an' when we sep'rated he wa'n't in no shape ter be changin' his clo's, let 'lone robbin' er killin' anybody." "Your testimony ought to prove an alibi for him," declared Miller. "Dere ain' gwine ter be no chance ter prove nothin', 'less'n we kin do it mighty quick! Dey say dey're gwine ter lynch 'im ter-night, some on 'em is talkin' 'bout burnin' 'im.

"He's holdin' back the burnin' wall to keep the way clear, damn him!" Indeed, the tottering wall, not having leaned to a great angle, was now pushed back by some power from the inside of the barn and kept erect. Though now and again it swayed in, as though the strength which held it was faltering under the strain.

"Don't you know Mave Sullivan, that loves you, an' feels for your miserable situation, my dear Sarah." "I never had a guardian angel, nor any one to take care o' me nor a mother, many a time often often the whole world jist to look at her face an' to know feel love me. Oh, a dhrink, a dhrink is there no one to get me a dhrink! I'm burnin', I'm burnin' is there no one to get me a dhrink!

'Tommy, b'y, says the cook, 'you cotched cold stowin' the jib in the squall day afore yesterday. I'll be givin' you a dose o' pain-killer an' pepper. So the cook give Tommy a wonderful dose o' pain-killer an' pepper an' put un t' bed. But 'twas not long afore Tommy had a pain in the back an' a burnin' headache.

Before Bruce reached the pump-house he heard Banule ringing the telephone violently, and his frenzied shout: "Shut down, Smaltz! Shut down! Where are you? Can't you hear? For God's sake shut down, everything's burnin' up!" He was ringing as though he would have torn the box loose from the wall when Bruce reached the pump-house door.

The car was shaking with the throb of the motor, but Casey could feel no forward motion. "Settin' here burnin' gas like a 'lection bonfire she sure would think I'm drunk if she knowed it," Casey muttered, and straddled over the side of the car to the running board.

"There is a weeny glimpse of sunshine, for a wondher. You look heated your face is flushed too, very much, an' the walk will cool you a little." "I know my face is flushed," she replied; "for I feel it burnin', an' so is my head; I have a pain in it, and a pain in the small o' my back too." "Well, come," he continued, "and a walk will be of sarvice to you."

That blasted stuff's cooked my innards to rags, an' I kin feel my backbone a-sizzlin'. Say, Steward, do, for the Lord's sake, come here, an' take this thing off, while there's a little life left in me." STEWARD. "Can't do anything yet. You must grin and bear it a little while longer." EIGTH TEN MINUTES. "Holy smoke! I couldn't suffer more if I was in the lake of burnin' brimstone.

"'I'll take long an' long to die yet, he sez, 'for the ways av sin they're like interest in the rig'mintal savin's-bank sure, but a damned long time bein' paid. "The docthor sez to me quiet one day, 'Has Tighe there anythin' on his mind? he sez. 'He's burnin' himself out. "'How shud I know, Sorr? I sez, as innocent as putty. "They call him Love-o'-Women in the Tyrone, do they not? he sez.

But killing all them folk that's got no quarrel, and burnin' their houses and farms, and tramplin' down all that good corn and all them brave men dead what can never live again its scandalous, I say." This at the outset.

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