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They think they can do everything better'n anybody else. What can a mon do at nussin', I wad ken?" "Mr. Norton will nurse him well, I know. Let him take care of the gentleman, father", said Adèle. "Hush, my dear", said Mr. Dubois, decidedly, "it is proper that Mrs. McNab take charge of Mr. Brown to-night".

I'd made sure you'd played hookey and been a-swimming. But I forgive ye, Tom. I reckon you're a kind of a singed cat, as the saying is better'n you look. THIS time." She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once. But Sidney said: "Well, now, if I didn't think you sewed his collar with white thread, but it's black."

"Alf, 'ow's this: 'Madamaselly, avay vu dee pang?" "Wot do you s'y for 'Gimme a tuppenny packet o' Nosegay'?" "'Bonjoor, Monseer! That ain't so dusty, Freddie, wot?" "Let's try that Marcelase again. You start it, 'Arry." "Let Nobby. 'E knows the sounds better'n wot I do." "'It 'er up, Nobby! We gotta learn that so we can sing it on the march." "Wite till I find it in me book. All right now

"I've got to make a start somewhere," said he. "I've been thinkin' a machine shop's the best thing. I shall have to depend on somethin' better'n days' works." Amelia flushed the painful red of emotion without beauty. "I dunno what we're all comin' to," said she brokenly. Then the tramp knew. He put his gnarled hand over one of hers.

"Better'n a barn raisin'! Say, hones', I never seen nothin' like it 'twere so blandiferous! At fust I were a leetle bit like a man tied to a tree felt so helpless an' unsart'in. Didn't know what were goin' to happen. Then ol' Jeff come an' ontied me, as ye might say, an' I 'gun to feel right. 'Course Preston tol' me not to be skeered that the doin's would be friendly, an' they was.

I ain't what you would call inventionative; but I could 'a' done a blame sight better'n that if I'd taken the time to think, instead o' simply blurtin' out the truth like some fool amateur. "Well," sez she, finally, "Dick was twice the man you are, so he must be dead." We didn't say anything for some time.

HAVING seen their prisoners safely behind the bars, Si and Shorty breathed more freely than they had since starting out in the morning, and Si remarked, as he folded up the receipt for them and placed it in his pocket-book: "That drove's safely marketed, without the loss of a runaway or a played-out. Purty good job o' drovin', that. Pap couldn't do better'n that with his hogs.

"You're just the man I need. Let's work together, Dan, an' we'll be company fer each other. Have you any grub?" "Lots of it in me shack. I brought a good supply from Big Draw, an' fresh meat is plentiful in the hills. I've an extra rifle, too, if ye need it." "What's your plan?" Curly asked. "You know this region better'n I do."

Mebbe she kin churn better'n that one I saw in the Movies, but Ah bet a plugged penny that she cain't play a pianner!" Jeb's tone was so emphatic at the last accusation of Sary's short-comings, that John almost rolled from his horse with laughter. Now Jeb had said all that he had to say, so he waited patiently for John to get over his spasm of laughter.