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Another week passed. The oat-harvest began, and all the men were a-field under a monochromatic Lammas sky, amid the trembling air and short shadows of noon. Indoors nothing was to be heard save the droning of blue-bottle flies; out-of-doors the whetting of scythes and the hiss of tressy oat-ears rubbing together as their perpendicular stalks of amber-yellow fell heavily to each swath.

Goliath had not been mistaken, for Dagobert was washing with that imperturbable gravity with which he did everything else. When we remember the habits of a soldier a-field, we need not be astonished at this apparent eccentricity.

Meanwhile, the reapers made ready to go a-field; and before they went, one of them drew a bucket of water to carry with them.

When the landlady did appear and they might have abstracted many an article first she gave them a kind welcome, almost as if they had been invited guests, and apologised for her coming having been so delayed, by saying, that it was hay-time, and the provisions for the men had to be sent a-field, and she had been too busy packing up the baskets to hear the noise of wheels over the road, which, since they had left the highway, ran over soft short turf.

But when one least looked for it, lo and behold! one day the demure Marcela makes her appearance turned shepherdess; and, in spite of her uncle and all those of the town that strove to dissuade her, took to going a-field with the other shepherd-lasses of the village, and tending her own flock.

"Look, George," said he; "look and see the sun rise: he sees the labourer on his way a-field; the work-girl plying her poor needle; the lawyer at his desk, perhaps; the beauty smiling asleep upon her pillow of down; or the jaded reveller reeling to bed; or the fevered patient tossing on it; or the doctor watching by it, over the throes of the mother for the child that is to be born into the world; to be born and to take his part in the suffering and struggling, the tears and laughter, the crime, remorse, love, folly, sorrow, rest."

Well, all this time you have put on the back of each page, "KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN" I mean, she added, correcting herself, 'that's how I do in papa's sermon-book, because otherwise he gets louder and louder, till at last he shouts like a farmer up a-field. Oh, papa is so funny in some things!

He shot into a tree-top full of bickering blackbirds and brought three down, torn, flopping, bleeding. He thrust them into his sack, which reddened through, and we went on ... still in silence. The silence began to make me tremble but I was glad, anyhow, that I had gone with him. I conjectured that he had brought me a-field to give me a final whipping "to teach me to mind Granma."

An opportunity occurred one evening when she had gone for a short walk by a path through the neighbour- ing cornfields. It was dusk when Oak, who had not been far a-field that day, took the same path and met her returning, quite pensively, as he thought. The wheat was now tall, and the path was narrow; thus the way was quite a sunken groove between the embowing thicket on either side.

"He has never been late before, and however far he may have gone a-field, there has been more than time for him to return at his slowest pace. Tell Roderick to get lanterns ready as many as you have. Gentlemen, we must all go on this search without another moment's delay!" There is little need to say that Barret's friends and comrades were not slow to respond to the call.