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"Oh, yer don't, don't yer, my young Father Mathy? then yer'll soon learn it here if yer want to keep yer victuals down." "And I have promised to take my wages home to my mother." "Oh criminy! hark to that, my coves! here's a chap as is going to take the blunt home to his mammy." "T'aint much of it the old'un'll see," said another.

"No, not axcepted jes' yet, Mr. Wobbles, if yer'se 'dressin' yer remarks ter me. Yer is goin' on jes' a little too far." "P'raps a little far; but yer'll soon catch up wid me. Yer'se a lady dat got a min' ob her own, I hope?" "It's mine yet, anyhow." "An' yer kin keep as mum as a possum w'en de cawn is in de milk?" "Dat 'pends." "Ob cose it does.

No moan or groan escaped from these plucky patients, for the sailor always lives up to the traditions of the Royal Navy. From one of the cots there showed a head covered in bandages with only two small openings for the patient's eyes. His cap was on his bed. As this sailor was being hoisted into the train a deep voice came from the bed: "Mind yer eye, Bill, or yer'll get yer feet wet."

Hyar it is; thisa-way;" and the clumsy hunter began to show off before his partner, in an imitation of the grizzly bear. "Hollo, Bill!" cries a comrade, "yer'll be trapped if yer don't look sharp." "I'm dog-gone, Jim, if I don't feel queery about hyar," replies the hunter, spreading his great paw over the region of the heart. "Don't be skeert, man; it's a nice gal, anyways."

Aileen giggled and resumed the rapid rotary motion of her still unwashed hands. "If I tell yer 'bout her, yer'll tell her I told yer. P'raps sometime, if yer ever go to New York, yer might see her; and she wouldn't like it." "How do you know but what I have seen her? I've just come from there." Aileen looked her surprise again. "That's queer, for I've just landed from New York meself."

But yer'll not blackguard me for nothin, I can tell yer. Now will yer jest oblige me by takin yourselves off? I shall 'ave to clean up after yer' she pointed scornfully to the marks of their muddy boots on the floor 'an it's gettin late. 'One moment, Mrs. Costrell, said Saunders, gently rubbing his hands.

"You won't ever let me go back, will yer, Bob?" "Not if I knows it," said Bob. "Yer'll 'ave to be my kid now, Willie; some day yer shall 'ave a broom o' yer own. I'll 'ave to teach yer the bizness." Willie clapped his hands delightedly. "That'll be jolly! Then I shall be able to earn some money." That night, and many succeeding ones, were spent by the children in the open air.

Take care, marm, or yer'll slip; very arkerd place to get down, with all 'em baskets in the way. This company do travel with a deal of luggage. That's Mr. Lennox's the one as yer 'and is on. 'Oh, indeed! Kate said, stopping on her way to read Mr. Lennox's name on the basket. 'We piles 'em 'gainst that 'ere door so as to 'ave 'em 'andy for sending down to the station ter-morrow morning.

"Look 'ere, my lad, if I comes over there I'll twist yer tongue and tie it up behind yer 'ead, an' it wont be a Blighty yer'll 'ave no, it'll be a blooming' corfin." "Shut yer row, the two of you," Casey shouted, "yer like a couple wots been married a year, chewin' each others 'ead orf. Come yere an' give me a 'and, Stumpy."