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He'll be charmed to see you, you know; he's so much obliged to you for gettin' the old woman's money. Ha, ha! Some of it will do to patch up the Hall when I'm gone." "I perceive, sir," said Pitt with a heightened voice, "that your people will cut down the timber." "Yees, yees, very fine weather, and seasonable for the time of year," Sir Pitt answered, who had suddenly grown deaf.

Where is it ye secures the vallyble contents?" "Me get 'em," was the intelligent reply.. "That's what I've been supposing, that yees was gitting more nor your share; so here's to prevint," remarked Teddy, as he inverted the jug above his head. "Now, me butternut friend, what 'bjections have yees to that?" "All right all be good like Miss Harvey?"

"But, begorry, somethin' unusual's happened." "So I understand; it was very good of you to come to us first; just give me the points, and I will jot them down." "But what are yees goin' to give me for the pints?" "That depends upon what they are worth. News cannot be paid for till we learn its value."

In accordance with his custom, therefore, he stopped under the high window from whence gleamed the light, for the sake of a little personal counsel. "Now, Pat," he muttered, "if yees had gone home at nine o'clock, yees wudn't be afeared to go home now; and if yees go home now widout a dollar more or less, the ould 'ooman will make yer wish yees had set on the curbstone the rest o' the night.

Both were excellent swimmers, and had no difficulty in saving him. 'Do ye rist aisy! said Mickey, as he saw the hunter's face contorted with pain, as he vainly struggled in the water, 'and it's ourselves that 'll take the good care of yees jist. 'Stop yer confounded floundering, admonished Hopkins; 'it won't do no good, and there ain't no necessity for it.

Bring me the book one of yees, out of the landlady's parlour.

"I thought you would be glad to hear all about them." "By Jove! yes, nurse. If I were not a married man, I should try to thank you gracefully." "Oh, yees; oh, yees," she answered, tossing back her head; "that is all right. You say those pretty things; then, when you go away from here, you tell your wife, and you write in your papers we Boer girls are fat old things, who never use soap and water.

"Ve vill speak apout you." "Did Baxter put up this plot against us? queried Dick. "To be sure I did," answered Baxter, who loved to brag just as much as ever. "And before I let you go I'm going to make you pay up dearly for all that I have suffered. Captain Villaire, have you had them searched?" he asked, turning again to his companion. "Yees, Baxter, but za had not mooch monish wid zem."

"What good might result from that?" "None, as I knows on." "Then it's meself that thanks yees for the offer and respectfully declines to accept the nomination. I'll jist elict meself to the office of sheriff an' go about these regions wid a s'arch-warrint in my shoes that'll niver let me rist until Miss Cora is found." "Wal, I 'spose we'll part in the mornin' then.

Ye may send me in, for ye 're corporals, and serjeants, and the likes of yees, and I'll obey as a souldier, seem' that he would have wished as much himself, had the breat' staid in his body, which it has not, on account of its l'aving his sowl on 'arth, and departing with his corporeal part for the mansions of happiness, the Blessed Mary have mercy on him, whether here or there but the captain was not the man to wish a fait'ful follower to afflict his own wife; and so I'll have not'in' to do with such a message, at all at all."