United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Yes," said he, "a man was sent in to me about a week ago from down the line a thorough gentleman whoever he is. Of course I did all I could for him. He had his two servants and some silver cooking-pots, and he looked for all the world like a native officer. I called him Subadar Sahib; just as well to be on the safe side, y'know.

To-night, this Thursday, he was sputtering. “Shure and de y'know what now? I've two parties out there want finger bowls. Finger bowls!” sputtered Mr. O'Sullivan. “Shure an' it's a long ways from the sight of finger bowls them two was born. It had better be a pail apiece they'd be askin' for. Finger bowls indeed!” Mr. O'Sullivan had gotten down to a mumble. “Shure an' they make me sick!” Mr.

Then he went West for seven or eight years, and tore up the country considerable, Kelly did. He came back to New York again, again minus cash. A few days after his return the girl of eight years before met him by appointment at the Grand Central Station. What d' y'know? She asked Kelly to marry herjust like that. Heck! by that time Kelly didn't give a darn one way or the other.

Hallo! why there's Ball Hughes driving the chocolate-colored coach, and got up like a regular jarvey. Devilish rich, y'know call him 'The Golden Ball' deuce of a fellow! Pitch and toss, or whist at five pound points, damme! Won small fortune from Petersham at battledore and shuttlecock, played all night too." "And have you lost to him also?" "Of course?" "Do you ever win?"

He leaned over the front of the car and hit the horse a loud slap, with the ends of his reins. "Gee! You bet Eb Flanders is madder than a settin' hen!" "Who is he?" said I. Which was guile on my part. "He's constable. He caught the burglars, y'know, right in the face 'n eyes of two policemen from Lanesport. An' when they got away, Eb pretty near bust his biler.

Thus, still as one in a dream, Barnabas is aware, little by little, that the Viscount's hat and whip are gone, and that he is swaying oddly in the saddle with "Moonraker's" every stride catches a momentary glimpse of a pale, agonized face, and hears the Viscount speaking: "No go, Bev!" he pants. "Oh, Bev, I'm done! 'Moonraker's' game, but I'm done, Bev arm, y'know devilish shame, y'know "

It was about eleven-thirty and there was four or five of 'em in the cloakroom, puffin' away languid like real clubmen, when in drifts a young lady all in pink silk and gold net and hails one of the wicked bunch. "Bobby," says she, "you ought to be ashamed of yourself!" "Run on now, Vee," says he. "Told you when I asked you to come that I wasn't a dancing man, y'know."

We could only turn a little bit because the galley on our right had hooked herself on to us and stopped our moving. Then, by gum! there was a crash! Our left oars began to break as the other galley, the moving one y'know, stuck her nose into them.

I had a bit of an income to keep me in loose change when I wanted a taste of towns. But that's been chopped off probably for good. I'm strictly on my own henceforth. Every penny I spend will first have to be earned. And so," he hesitated briefly, "I've considered a move to the Coast, the Pacific, y'know. Going over the continental divide while the snow makes a dog team useful.

Gantry be " "No, no! Do not say it, my deah Tammas! When one is in Society, y'know, one is privileged to think it, but it's bad form to express it so ah broadly ah I assure you." He adjusted his monocle and stared with a vacuous blandness well calculated to madden his friend. Blake hurled a magazine, which his lordship deftly sidestepped.