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"An' there'd be no reward for that man he but went about talkin'," said the Kerry man artlessly. "You speak by your breed," said Dan, with a laugh. "There was never a Kerry man yet that wudn't sell his brother for a pipe o' tobacco an' a pat on the back from a p'liceman." "Praise God I'm not a bloomin' Orangeman," was the answer. "No, nor never will be," said Dan. "They breed men in Ulster.

"Sure, sor, it's ownly a thrifle," he urged, when told by Mr Stormcock to go below to Mr McGilpin, who was busy in the after-cabin, attending to those of the wounded that the Chinese gunners, who aimed remarkably well, had not put altogether beyond the reach of surgical aid. "I wudn't throuble the docthor wid it; an' faix, I want to pay thim Chaynee images fur smashin' me crockery!

They wudn't 'a been if I'd 'a had my traps; but there wa'n't a critter, from the minners in the waters to the bufflers on the paraira, that didn't look like they knowed how this niggur were fixed. I kud git nuthin' for two days but lizard, an' scarce at that." "Lizard's but poor eatin'," remarked one. "'Ee may say that. This hyur thigh jeint's fat cow to it it are."

They're all that stand betune me and dis-ris-pect-ability. Av I didn't shave, I wud be torminted wid an outrajis thurrst; for there's nothin' so dhryin' to the throat as a big billy-goat beard waggin' undher the chin. Ye wudn't have me dhrink always, Dinah Shadd'? By the same token, you're kapin' me crool dhry now. Let me look at that whiskey."

Shure I'll be goin' in a month or two." "Ah, that's impossible, father." He hung his head. "D'ye believe I'll know her whin I go? God wudn't shut me out from her for th' things I've done " "Of course he won't." "He wudn't be so d d niggardly, wud He?" "Never!" He fondled my hands as if I were a child. The hour drew nigher.

"That 'ud be tellin', wudn't it?" "I'll keep it awfully secret," pleaded William. "I'll never tell anyone." Mr. Blank shook his head. "What yer want ter know fer, anyway?" he said. William answered eagerly, his eyes alight. "'Cause I'd like to do jus' the same when I grow up." Mr. Blank flung back his head and emitted guffaw after guffaw of unaffected mirth. "Oh 'ell," he said, wiping his eyes.

"Wal', I reckon it wus; leastwise Tim wudn't be mixed up in the affair none. They hed it prutty blame hot, an' I reckon thar'd bin a dead deputy if hedn't bin fer me. Tim thought I wus a prutty gud frien' an' cum over yere ter liquor, an' eat. Ther joke ov it is, he never know'd thet Joe hed told me all 'bout the fix he wus in, afore we cum ashore.

"Good-evenin' to you kindly, sir," responded old Felix from his fireside corner; "and wudn't you be steppin' widin?" "I'm on'y axin' me way to the place below there Ballybrosna beyond Duffclane," said the old man; "it's the road I must be steppin', for I'm more than a thrifle late." But he came slowly forward into the room as if lured by the fire, at which he looked hungrily.

"Polperro?" said Reuben: "that's where your ship goes to?" "No, not ezactly: I goes to Fowey, but they bain't over a step or so apart a matter o' six miles, say." There was a pause, which Captain Triggs broke by saying, "Iss, I thought whether it wudn't surprise 'ee to hear 'bout it bein' Adam Pascal.

A massa dat doan't keep no Yankee oberseer to foller you 'bout wid de big free-lashed whip; but dat leads you hisseff round to de green pastures and de still waters; and w'en you'm a-faint and a-tired, and can't go no furder, dat takes you up in his arms, and carries you in his bosom. What pore darky am dar dat wudn't hab sich a massa?