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A shout of laughter bore witness to the truth of the sketch. 'It's pretty to think of, said the Kerry man slowly. 'Mulcahy would have us do all the devilmint, and get clear himself, someways. He wudn't be takin' all this fool's throuble in shpoilin' the reputation of the regiment 'Reputation of your grandmother's pig! said Dan. 'Well, an' HE had a good reputation tu; so it's all right.

She had one girl who made sour bread for a fortnight, and then flounced off on a Monday morning, leaving the clothes in the tubs, because "her bread was never faulted before, an' faith, she wudn't pit up biscuits of a Sunday night no more for annybody!"

"By my sowl, thin," said Chane, "I wudn't mind marryin' ye meself, an' joinin' the thribe that is, if they'll let me off from the hangin'. Tell her that, Raowl." As desired, Raoul explained his comrade's last speech, at which the woman laughed, but said nothing. "Silence gives consint.

"If ye cud jist spare us a ha'p'orth ov milk to keep th' life in th' chile fur th' night?" he pleaded. "It wudn't be a thimbleful if I had it, Jamie, but I haven't we haave childther ov our own, ye know, an' life is life!" "Aye, aye," he said, "I know, I know," and shuffled out again. Back to the house he went. He lifted the latch gently and tiptoed in. Anna was rocking the child to sleep.

From this I suspicioned him; but, gettin' a leetle closter, I seed his gun an' fixin's strapped to the saddle. So I tuk a sight, and whumelled him. The darned mustang got away with his traps. This hyur's the only thing worth takin' from his carcage: it wudn't do much harm to a grizzly b'ar." "Good heaven!"

I'll be back in the game to-morrow." "To-morry!" exclaimed Irish, eying the swollen and discolored member with a grin. "Yis; ut'll be to-morry, all right. But 'tis a shame to waste so much toime. Av ye c'd git th' boss to put ye on noight shift icin' th' skidways, ye wudn't have to wait so long." "It's a fact, Irish," laughed Bill. "I go on at 4 A.M. to-morrow." "Fure A.M., is ut?

Ah, thin, Judge dear, wud ye be wantin' that too?" smiling at him in quite a coquettish manner. "Sure, if ye had had the good taste an' good fortune to be born in the County Mayo ye wudn't nade to be askin' the name av Nora Monaghan o' Ballinghalereen." The judge's face was now in a broad smile. "Nora Fitzpatrick," he said, writing the name down. "Let us proceed." "Well, Mrs.

Then agin he sorter looks like thet kind ov a feller ter me he wudn't do no runnin' hisself, but I reckon he'd take keer o' his folks. Whut's this yere under the bench? hell, a letter." He held it up to the light, in an effort to decipher the description.

I'll meet them alone at the spring down the trail, but shall want you somewhere near by. You see this is bound to mean a fight if I am recognized likely three against one; and those men wouldn't hesitate at murder." "I reckon not, an' it wudn't be their furst one nuther, Looks ter me like yer wus takin' a big chance. I'll be thar, though; yer kin bet on thet, an' ready fer a fight, er a foot race.

The actual reasons for the turning away were variously given "Just because he spuck up and told her as her pore father wudn't hold wud her goings on," was the doctrine promulgated by the Woolpack; but the general council sitting in the bar of the Crown decreed that the trouble had arisen out of Fuller's spirited refusal to sell some lambs that had tic.