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Ain't she a wonner?" "My poor boy!" said the clergyman, sympathisingly. "Ga on! I ain't your boy. Don't know yer; I'm this 'ere bloke's chap, and I ain't a-goin' to be larned by no one else." It was impossible to avoid smiling at this frank declaration, seriously as it was uttered. "When did your mother get into trouble?" asked Jack. "This very afternoon, bless 'er old 'art.

When they had got about half-way, Alec said to Curly: "I wonner what's come o' Annie, Curly? It wad be a shame to lainch the boat wantin' her." "Deed it wad. I s' jist rin and luik after her, an' ye can luik efter the boat." So saying, Curly was out of the cart with a bound. Away he ran over a field of potatoes, straight as the crow flies, while the cart went slowly on towards the Glamour.

But hoo can a mither hate her ain bairn?" said Malcolm. "'Deed it's nae wonner ye sud speir, laddie! for it's weel kent 'at maist mithers, gien there be a shargar or a nat'ral or a crookit ane amo' their bairns, mak mair o' that ane nor o' a' the lave putten thegither as gien they wad mak it up till 'im, for the fair play o' the warl.

Miss Letty's tears dropped into the tub, and the salt in them did not hurt the feet with which she busied herself, more than was necessary, to hide them. But no sooner had she recovered herself than she resumed her former tone. 'A shillin'! said ye? Hoo cud ye hae a shillin' ower? Troth, it's nae wonner ye haena ane left. An' a' the merchan's there jist leevin' upo' ye!

It's like to blaw a bonnetfu', and she rows awfu' in ony win'. I dinna think she cud capsize, but for wamlin' she's waur nor a bairn with the grips. In absolute helplessness, the boys had let him talk on: there was nothing more to be done; and Alan was in a talkative mood. 'Fegs! gin 't come on to blaw, he resumed, 'I wadna wonner gin they got the skipper to set them ashore at Stanehive.

Tommy stood back a little, lookin' up and seein' some people half-way to the top, lookin' like flies on the side of the meetin' house, said: "I wonner, oh, I wonner who made it and what it wuz made for, and oh, how I do wonner how they ever got them big stones to the top." And I sez to myself, "the child is wiser than any of us.

A moment after the fall of the bridge, Robert Bruce, gazing with the rest at the triumphant torrent, saw the Bonnie Annie go darting past. Alec was in his shirt-sleeves, facing down the river, with his oars level and ready to dip. But Bruce did not see Annie in the bottom of the boat. "I wonner hoo auld Marget is," he said to his wife the moment he reached home. But his wife could not tell him.

Was't ony wonner that the first thing I did whan I cam' hame the neist nicht was to ring for the het water? I wantit naething frae Providence or Natur' but jist that the colour michtna be a' ta'en oot o' my life. The muckle deevil was in't, that I cudna stan' up to my fate like a man, and, gin my life was to cast the colour, jist tak my auld cloak aboot me, and gang on content. But I cudna.

"What would be the good of that? A rickle of old stones!" said the marquis. "It's a growth 'at there winna be mony mair like," returned Malcolm. "I wonner 'at yer lordship!" He was now steering for the foot of the cliff. As they approached, the ruin expanded and separated, grew more massy, and yet more detailed. Still it was a mere root clinging to the soil.

Man, it's a great comfort to me to think that ye're my ain flesh and blude, an' nae that far aff. My father an' your great-gran'father upo' the gran'mither's side war ain brithers. I wonner hoo far doon it wad gang. Ye're the only ane upo' my father's side, you and yer father, gin he be alive, that I hae sib to me.