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Quick as a flash the old woman's arms went around Grace and the fair head was pillowed upon her bosom. "What is it, honey?" she cooed, gently stroking the silken hair and entirely ignoring the men. The tensely strung nerves gave way and in the reaction the tears were softly welling. The two cowpunchers sneaked out sheepishly and once out of hearing, Red swore wonderingly. "Well, I'm damned!

Most certainly the politeness of the French is no surface quality, it is a polish welling up from a naturally affectionate heart, a naturally quick apprehension of the moods and feelings of others; it is the outcome of a culture so old that, underneath all differences, it binds together all those types and strains of blood the Savoyard, and the Southerner, the Latin of the Centre, the man from the North, the Breton, the Gascon, the Basque, the Auvergnat, even to some extent the Norman, and the Parisian in a sort of warm and bone-deep kinship.

On a branch of the Tarn stands Florac, the seat of a sub-prefecture with an old castle, an alley of planes, many quaint street-corners, and a live fountain welling from the hill. It is notable, besides, for handsome women, and as one of the two capitals, Alais being the other, of the country of the Camisards.

Though he had kept himself rather calm up to the present, the rascal felt that he must soon vent the spite and hate welling up within him, or explode from the pent-up force of his own emotions. The late mine owner, though he could not penetrate the mysteries of the present situation, was now sure that Tom Reade and Harry Hazelton must be in some way behind it.

In the evenings after supper had been served, I could see from the bunk house window how baby Helen in her sleeping room across the road in the section house knelt and humbly repeated her evening prayer, and then just before she was put to rest for the night, her father would kiss her "good-night", and as soon as he had left the room her sweet-faced mother would smother her with kisses before she tucked her darling between the spotless sheets of her cradle, and many were the times that I turned away from this picture of perfect domestic happiness as tears were welling into my eyes, for I realized that I had missed that which is most sublime in all creation: A loving wife and devoted mother; a healthy baby and one's own "Home, sweet Home."

That was the happiest Sunday Dion had ever spent, and it was fated to close in a happiness welling up out of the very deeps of the heart. Canon Wilton and Esme Darlington came in to tea, and Mr. Thrush was entertained at a sumptuous repast in the nursery "between the services." Robin presided at it with anxious rapture, being now just a little in awe of his faithful old friend.

She thought as she lay awake after those painful moments in the study, the tears welling up slowly in the darkness, of many things that had puzzled her in the past. She remembered the book she had seen on his table; her thoughts travelled over his months of intercourse with the squire; and the memory of Mr.

Archer's serene unimaginativeness rested easily in the accepted and familiar, Janey was subject to starts and aberrations of fancy welling up from springs of suppressed romance.

"And you count that the final test of love? Shame on you!" The colour faded from the evening sky; the stars were lit ... the errant fancies died away. In the brilliant sunlight they returned the same strange dreams welling up on every side, like the waters of spring. Behind and before him, everywhere, insistently, an irresistible song. "I must know I must sound the uttermost depths of her love!"

Mr. Channing had no greater regard for one son than for the other; but he knew, as well as his children, how much depended upon Hamish. The tears were welling up into the eyes of Constance. "I wish I could speak comfort to you!" she whispered. "Comfort will come with time, I dare say, darling. Don't stay. I seem quite fagged out to-night, and would be alone." Ay, alone.