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"In the first town we strike I eases up to a tall Jasper after the black hoss has grabbed the opener on the bit. "'Say, pardner, I says, 'do you ever bet a piece of money on a race? "This Jasper is just a Adam's apple surrounded by arms 'n' legs. "'Well, I should say as much, he says. 'But most ginrally they wan't nobody bet with me. Up in Liberty Township the boys call me Lucky Andy.

My man come up for a wrench, and 'Who do you think's a scootin' around down on the Bay? says he. 'Wall, it's Dave Rollin, says he; 'in the purtiest little craft, that runs jest like a picter, and he said they couldn't see but two men aboard of her then; he guessed they wan't many.

But after the table was set the excitement was all over, for there was nobody to be the guest. "Ef Ole Billy wan't so mean," said Chris, "we could fotch 'im hyear in de omnibus. I wush we'd a let Chubbum an' Suppum come; dey'd been Lord Bugon."

The people, having sufficiently recovered from their shock to jostle one another out of the building, stood huddled together like a flock of frightened sheep; but when the cavalcade had driven off, a subdued clamor of voices arose, all unanimous in contempt for "dese here po' white, who'd ha' knowed better 'n to come meddlin' long o' Marster's folks ef Marster wan't down on de bed an' mos' like to die!"

Brook tells me he has put new furniture in, and that I shall only have to go in and hang up my hat. Now I want for you to arrange to come up on the same day." "We ha' been talking the matter over in every mortal way, the old woman and me, Jack, and I'll tell 'ee what we've aboot concluded. On one side thou really wan't t' have us oop wi' 'ee." "Yes, indeed, dad," Jack said earnestly.

Well, if he wan't any taller'n I be he showed good jedgment.... Zacheus and Galushy and Primrose!... Godfreys!" Primmie was shocked. "Why, Zach Bloomer!" she exclaimed. "The idea of your talkin' so about a person's name you never met but just now in your lifetime." Zacheus regarded the owner of the name. "No offense meant and none given, Mr. Bangs," he observed. "Eh? That's right, ain't it?"

'Whose little gal be yer? says I. 'She's one ob Judge Skylark's niggers, says a woman standin' by. 'Don't see none ob de udders here: shouldn't wonder if she'd runn'd away to see de racin'. Wall, I waited till nobody wan't lookin', an' den I axed her what her name was. 'Dey calls me Vina's little gal, says she. 'Who's Vina? says I. 'Dar ain't no Vina, says she.

"They wan't no real sense ner reason in my hangin' around, jest gittin' under foot," he stated thoughtfully. "I done about all I was called on to do, didn't I? Why, I reckon when all's said and done, I jest about won that fight myself! For if I hadn't a-come he wouldn't never a-got that ribbon. And Godfrey, but didn't that wake him!"

I hed chirred a piece o' ground around the shanty a kupple o' acres or better I hed left the stumps a good three feet high: thur wan't a stump to be seen. My clearin', stumps an' all, wur under water; an' I could see it shinin' among the trees all round the shanty. "Of coorse, my fust thoughts wur about my rifle; an I turned back into the shanty, an' laid my claws upon that quick enough.

The next minute he fell back unconscious. "It was a bad business all around, an' from the very first there wan't no hope. In a week 'twas over, an' we laid poor Jimmy away. Two days after the funeral Sam come ter me with a letter. It was addressed ter Jimmy, an' the old man couldn't bring himself ter open it.