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There's a preponderating number of unattached young men in the newly opened parts of the Dominion." "Things are different here; or perhaps we require more than they do across the Atlantic. What becomes of the others?" "They are waitresses in the hotels; they learn stenography and typewriting, and go into offices and stores." "And earn just enough to live upon meagerly?

The New England type," murmured the mother. "They all have the same look, a good deal," said the girl, glancing over the room where the waitresses stood ranged against the wall with their hands folded at their waists. "They have better faces than figures, but she is beautiful every way. Do you suppose they are all schoolteachers? They look intellectual. Or is it their glasses?"

When the boys struck town, the proprietors and waitresses stood in their doorways to welcome them. "Why, Jack!" one would cry, "when did you drift in? Tickled to death to see you! Come in an' have a drink. That your chum? Come in, old man, and have a drink. Never mind the pay; that's all right." And after the first drink, Jack, of course, had to treat, and then the chum.

Supper, like dinner, was a simple but tasteful meal. The two elder girls, Teresina and Nanetta, waited on the guests, and served the excellent wine grown on Olivo's hillsides. Both the Marchese and the Abbate paid their thanks to the young waitresses with playful and somewhat equivocal caresses which a stricter parent than Olivo would probably have discountenanced.

It seemed to Nancy incredible that the place would ever bloom again with lights and bouquets and eager patrons, with her group of pretty flower-like waitresses moving deftly among them. She stared at the spot with the cold eye of the creator whose handiwork is out of the range of his vision, and the inspiration of it for the moment, gone.

The indulgent newspapers, always patriotically loud over local enterprise, noted the opening of the Cake Shop as a minor social event and so in the succeeding days all those who hadn't been invited and couldn't talk French with the waitresses crowded into the store. It was a Novelty, the New Thing, and became overnight a popular fad.

As soon as her eyes became accustomed to the dim light, she peered eagerly, almost rudely, she was afraid into the faces of the waitresses. Suddenly, her heart stood still; at the far corner, near the swinging door leading to the kitchen, stood a girl bearing a striking resemblance to Frieda! Could Marjorie be dreaming or was it possible that the runaway had a double?

We cannot down the spirit of unrest and improvidence that holds possession of cooks and waitresses, and we needs must suffer it with such patience as we can. Two of our house servants were more or less permanent; that is, they had been with us since we opened the house, and were as content as restless spirits can be. These were the housekeeper and the cook, the hub of the house.

I don't like you to-day. I don't like myself or anybody in this whole universe. I'm not fit for human society don't you see I'm not?" "You're awful cross, dear." "Don't call me dear. I'm not Sheila or one of your sick waitresses, you know." "Sheila's back." "Is she?" "Don't you care?" "Oh, I suppose so." "She loves you." "She's unique." "You told me once there were other girls, Dick."

Elizabeth Maloney, she of the snapping eyes and fervent heart, marshals her waitresses through strike after strike against grinding employers, or she eloquently pleads their cause, whether in the state legislature, or with her own International, at the convention of the Hotel and Restaurant Employés, if the men show themselves a bit forgetful, as they sometimes do, of the girls' interest.