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Into the lake Bunny tossed the stick to which was fastened one end of his kite cord. "Get it, Splash!" cried the little boy. With a bark Splash sprang into the water. But instead of swimming out to Tom with the stick and string, he swam back to shore. That was what he had been taught to do, you see. Splash dropped the stick at Bunny's feet, and wagging his wet tail, spattered drops all over Sue.

Rodway' you know his dry manner, wagging his eyeglass all the time 'is our superior officer, and we are bound to render him every assistance in our power, or, and then he was splendid, 'resign our commissions. Rodway, they say, has retired, but the worst of it is that as Perkins has been once passed over he'll not succeed. "Perhaps it won't matter, poor chap.

Only in point of comparison, one with another, can we be properly judged, so I will leave it to the poor old Sawhorse to decide which is the most beautiful animal among us all. The Sawhorse is wood, so he won't be prejudiced and will speak the truth." "I surely will," responded the Sawhorse, wagging his ears, which were chips set in his wooden head. "Are you all agreed to accept my judgment?"

"That don't matter," replied the speaker, putting his face close up to the gratings of No. 3, "but ef I was a youngster like you, free an' easy outside there, this spot wouldn't hold me long." "That's so!" chimed several of the prison-birds, wagging their heads behind the iron lattices. "Hush!" whispered Jack Harris, rising from his seat and walking on tip-toe to the door of cell No. 3.

He fell to wagging his bushy tail in a highly expressive manner, tried to lick Willy's rosy face, and was altogether so overcome by pleasing emotions that he got a severe attack of coughing, sneezing, and snorting, and Willy exclaimed: "My Spitz has caught a cold on the journey. We must give him some black-currant tea, mother!"

She accordingly mixed a saucerful for him, and put it down for him to lap; and then she told us how intelligent and sensible the dear little fellow was; he knew cream quite well, and constantly refused tea with only milk in it: so the milk was left for us; but we silently thought we were quite as intelligent and sensible as Carlo, and felt as if insult were added to injury when we were called upon to admire the gratitude evinced by his wagging his tail for the cream which should have been ours.

And he kissed her lightly on the forehead. "You are famous and independent, but the world is not always kind to a clever woman even when she is visibly known to be earning her own living. There are always spiteful tongues wagging in the secret corners and byways, ready to assert that her work is not her own and that some man is in the background, helping to keep her!"

A wagging tail knocked on the floor behind the counter. "General says that he will think about it. What makes you like Mr. Mayrant so much?" This question struck me as an odd one; nor could I make out the import of the peculiar tone in which she put it. "Why, I should think everybody would like him except, perhaps, his double victim." "Double?" "Yes, first of his fist and then of of his hand!"

"What have you been doing with yourself lately?" asked Fanny, composing herself, with her back toward the rapidly waning light. "Wagging to and fro as usual. What's the news with you?" answered Polly, feeling that something was coming and rather glad to have it over and done with. "Nothing particular. Trix treats Tom shamefully, and he bears it like a lamb.

"If they're as good as they look we're lucky," said Wade, as he tied the ends of his rope round their necks. "Now are there any more you know are good?" "Denver, come hyar!" yelled Belllounds. A white, yellow-spotted hound came wagging his tail. "I'll swear by Denver. An' there's one more Kane. He's half bloodhound, a queer, wicked kind of dog. He keeps to himself.... Kane! Come hyar!"