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"She's raving again, girls, don't cross her!" called Joy from the doorway. "I'm not listening!" said Shirley, with a toss of her head. She placed the camera, cleverly concealed it with evergreen boughs, and put into position the device that set off the flash powder and released the shutter.

But at the sight of Betty, whom she always admired, and their guardian, whom she a little feared, her expression became less bold and, indeed, before any one spoke the girl's face had a strange look of guilt. Why else should she toss her head and bridle so unnecessarily, why stare into Miss McMurtry's eyes with her own hard and defiant, even while her lips trembled with nervousness?

"Well, I could only toss the roll of music under the sofa as gently as masculine depravity would permit, and conduct my music-greedy friend to the choir-meeting, ostensibly to listen to the chants, though I knew, and he knew, that he had always heretofore objected to hearing them practised. "Of course I presented him in due form to Miss Sparrow when she arrived.

And then for a girl like me to toss him aside, after such a journey and such kindness! I don't know how I shall ever have courage to do it. There are fine women in London who would jump at the chance of being Mrs. Harshaw not Mrs. Micky, nor Mrs. Stephen, nor Mrs. Sidney, but Mrs. Harshaw, you understand?" I understood. "And now," she said, producing the second letter, "you will laugh!

The trouble was that the saying of them would, he felt sure, be distinctly bad diplomacy on his part. No one not even he could talk to Helen Kendall in that fashion; not unless he wished it to be their final conversation. So he went home, to fret and toss angrily and miserably half the night.

"Perhaps," at last said a burgher's wife, with a toss of her head, "your ladyship may meet with him at Hankford's oak." "At Hankford's oak! what should take him there?" "I heard him and Mistress Salterne talking about the oak just now." Cary turned pale and drew in his breath. "Very likely," said Lady Grenville, quietly. "Will you walk with me so far, Mr. Cary?"

"Then I will when thee sets me an example," retorted Janice, making a deep curtsey, the absence of drapery and bodice revealing the straightness and suppleness of the slender rounded figure, which still had as much of the child as of the woman in its lines. "Little thought they get from me," cried Tabitha, with a toss of her head. "'Tell me where is fancy bred, In the heart or in the head?"

"If you will not go, I must find the way for myself," she said, still in a voice so gentle that he could take little offence at it. Her composure rather disturbed the man, who gave his powdered head a toss, and mounted the broad oaken staircase, with an indignant swell of the chest.

"Oh, haven't I? Perhaps I haven't," she said, and then with a hard little laugh, she added "Mother's had nine though." I asked if she was a shop assistant, and with a toss of her head she told me she was a typist. "Better screw and your evenings off," she said, and then she returned to the subject of children.

Glancing back, Dave saw that another raft was being pushed out by the two men who held the rope that was noosed under his shoulders. "Now, halt where you are!" Dave Darrin shouted back. "Toss me a long rope that I can throw out to Prescott!" The rope came swirling. Dave caught it easily enough. Then, still sitting on the raft, his legs, of course, in the water, Darrin recoiled the rope.