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Finally Huck leaned on his shovel, swabbed the beaded drops from his brow with his sleeve, and said: "Where you going to dig next, after we get this one?" "I reckon maybe we'll tackle the old tree that's over yonder on Cardiff Hill back of the widow's." "I reckon that'll be a good one. But won't the widow take it away from us, Tom? It's on her land." "SHE take it away!

We'll go together, Bridge, and on the other side you'll learn something that'll surprise you. I believe there is 'another side, don't you, Bridge?" "I've never thought much about it," said Bridge; "but at a time like this I rather hope so I'd like to come back and haunt this bunch of rat brained rubes."

Answer comes there none. The offending battery has prudently effaced itself. "Cease fire!" says the major, "and register!" Then he turns to Captain Blaikie. "That'll settle them for a bit," he observes. "By the way, had any more trouble with Minnie?" "We had Hades from her yesterday," replies Blaikie, in answer to this extremely personal question.

"Uncle Bob, what'll they do to you?" "Well, I reckon the squire'll feel obliged to do one of two things. He'll either fine me or else he won't." "What'll you do if he fines you?" "Why, pay the fine, Nevvy and then lick Dave Blount again for stirring up trouble. That's the way we most in general do. I mean to say give him a good licking, and that'll make him stop his foolishness."

Come with me! there's a dear!" and she drew the trembling little figure tenderly into her arms. "There! that'll be a bit warmer!" and she signed to one of the farm maids near her to fetch a cloak which she carefully wrapped round the girl's shoulders.

He'll never show his head in this country any more, the next drive he makes he'll load west of here and we'll never know anything about it. There's just one way to fix a man like him, and I know the receipt that'll cure his hide!" "If he ever drives another head of stock into this state I'll hear of it, and I'll attach him.

Blodgett'll have that bonfire, I guess; that'll suit you, Joe, as you can't have much fun with that hand." Joel squealed right out. "That's prime! And I can pile in the sticks and straw just as well with my other hand." "You aren't goin' to touch that bonfire, once it's lighted," declared Ben, in his most decided way. "Now you remember that, Joe Pepper!"

"And very creditable to you being able to say it," said Jimmy, cordially. "See if you can manage 'Truly rural'." "What I say is this! Jimmy's a fakir. And what I say is what's prevent him saying he's done it when hasn't done it?" "That'll be all right," said Jimmy. "I'm going to bury a brass tube with the Stars and Stripes in it under the carpet." Willett waved his hand.

Then, when the chance came well, he surely thinks now that I put him away to cover my tracks. I expect the boys have got their shootin' orders." "Listen!" whispered Price excitedly. "Wait till I get my own horse, an' I'll strike east across the hump. That'll start 'em after me maybe sure it will, Rathburn! They'll think I'm you, see, an' light right out after me."

Fust thing you're stompin' around in your head upsettin' all that you writ tryin' to rope somethin' to put on the tail-end of the parade that'll show up strong. Kind o' like ropin' a steer. No tellin' where that pome is goin' to land you." Sundown was more than pleased with himself.