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"Wonder if it'd do any good to marry her?" A roar went up from the table at this, somewhat relieving the tension of the atmosphere. Shearson, the advertising manager, lolling deep in his chair, spoke up diffidently, as soon as he could be heard: "I ain't rich. But I've put a little wad aside. I could chip in three thou' if that'd help."

"'Twas Helayna gave the dhrink to the Dane's coachman! The low curséd thing! There isn't another one in the place that'd do it! I'm told the priest was near breaking his umbrella on her over it." It was the event of Mr. John Denny's life that he valued highest.

The good woman accompanied her to the end of the garden, talking all the time of the trouble she had getting up of nights. "I'm that worn out sometimes as I drop asleep on my chair. I'm sure you might at least give me just a pound of ground coffee; that'd last me a month, and I'd take it of a morning with some milk." After submitting to her thanks, Madame Bovary left.

"Shall I have the mugger skinned and get a dressing-bag made out of his hide for you?" he said, smiling. "That'd be a nice souvenir of the brute." She shuddered. "I don't want to remember him," she cried, turning to glance at the crocodile. "Horrid beast! I can't bear the sight of him."

Dorn ripped them all open, an' before they'd stopped floppin' he was on the bunch that'd killed Brewer an' were makin' it hard for his other pards.... Whew! Owens told it all as if it'd took lots of time, but that fight was like lightnin' an' I can't remember how it was. Only Demon Dorn laid out nine Germans before they retreated. Nine! Owens seen him do it, like a mad bull loose.

"Sure, that's the way they do in books," Chuck urged. "Yes," the Ramblin' Kid broke in with a slow drawl, "fight one with sour-dough biscuits at a hundred yards! That'd be sensible then both of you'd be genuine heroes!" "Gosh, th' Ramblin' Kid's awake!" Bert laughed. "How does it happen you ain't fell in love with Carolyn June?" he asked, turning toward the slender, dark-eyed, young cowboy.

"It's just driftin' into my head, sort of misty," murmured Andrew, "that you've been thinkin' about double-crossin' me." "Suppose," said the marshal, "I was to ride into Martindale with you in front of me. That'd make a pretty good picture, Andy. Allister dead, and you taken alive. Not to speak of ten thousand I dollars as a background. That would sort of round off my work.

He'd do the same for anybody else that'd been with the company as long as I have, but still it IS something to be with the company that long and have him show he appreciates it." "Yes, indeed, it is, papa." "Yes, sir," Adams said, reflectively. "Yes, sir, I guess that's so. And besides, it all goes to show the kind of a man he is. Simon pure, that's what that man is, Alice. Simon pure!

"I saw his alarm clock was set at five. That'd given 'm plenty of time ... only I come along an' put the kibosh on his time. Go on." "Adolph Metzner in despair the famous Haythorne pearl necklace magnificently assorted pearls valued by experts at from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars." Jim broke off to say solemnly, "Those oyster-eggs worth all that money!"

To be sure, Samson might ha' knowed better than to blunder such a thing as that right out, but, then, he's a man, and that'd account for a'most anything. Married life might teach 'em better, you'd think, and yet after nigh on forty year on it he knows no more about women folk than any bachelor i' Barfield.