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"Who are you?" returned the girl, as she shoved herself quickly back against the pillows and drew the covers close under her chin, looking at him oddly over their top. "She done been cuttin' up somefin' awful," Mandy explained, as she tried to regain enough breath for a new encounter. "Cutting up? You surprise me, Miss Polly," he said, with mock seriousness.

'Naw daywt, says Dick, 'if it ain't somefin' worse. 'What do'st a' mean, bor? says I. 'Well, says Dick slowly like, 'it might be the sperrit from th' pit, for 'twas in no mortal man to holler out like that cry we just heered. Wornt those yower words, bor?" Mr. Duney, thus appealed to, nodded portentously, as though to indicate that his words were well justified.

"Now, sure as the world, honey, you done heard somefin 'bout de poor young marser? Is he come to an accident, honey?" inquired the man very uneasily. "Who?" questioned Nora vaguely. "The young marser, honey; Mr. Herman Brudenell, chile!" "What of him?" cried Nora a sharp new anxiety added to her woe. "Why, law, honey, aint I just been a-telling of you?

His friends took up the question. Keen anxiety was expressed on all sides as to the fate of father's trousers. He was requested to be a man and speak up. The uproar died away as it was seen that Kit had not yet finished. "Cheese it, some of yer," shouted a voice. "The lady wants to orsk him somefin' else." "Tom," said Kit, "who was sent with tuppence to buy postage-stamps and spent it on beer?"

Dey axed me not to hurt 'em, and said somefin' 'bout tying somebody to a tree and roastin' 'em. S'pose dey's 'fraid I'll do it to all ob 'em one dese days, if dey isn't careful." "Why do they misuse you, if they intend to elevate you?" "Well, dat's hard to tell. They've gone and went and cut all my curls off." "Never mind such things," said Leland, again feeling depressed.

Truly 'tis a wonderful country. See yon pasture, Zachariah, with the cows and calves, a good score of them. And have you, by the way, noticed what a glorious day it is? This is life!" "Yas, suh, Marse Kenneth, Ah done notice dat, an' Ah done notice somefin ailse. Ah done notice dem buzzards flyin' low over yan way. Dat means death, Marse Kenneth. Somefin sho' am daid over yan way."

But dar! my ha'r is as good as new, dough it has had enough to turn it gray on a suddint in dis las' hour! Well, laws! I do think as Marse Ishmael Worth mus' be somefin of a prophet, as well as a good deal of a lawyer! He telled me to watch ober de peace and honor of Lady Vincent. Yes, dem was his berry words peace and honor. Well, laws! little did I think how much dey would want watching ober.

An' byme-by somefin' grab' li'l' Mose by de aidge of he coat, an' he fight' an' struggle' an' cry out: "Dey ain't no ghosts. Dey ain't no ghosts." An' dat ain't nuffin' but de wild brier whut grab' him, an' dat ain't nuffin' but de leaf ob a tree whut brush' he cheek, an' dat ain't nuffin' but de branch ob a hazel-bush whut brush' he arm.

'I'm going to say my prayers, he said, 'and it's de last time too, 'cause de Injines will soon be here. I didn't try to stop him, for I felt so bad, I commenced saying mine in de bed. "Big Mose kept mumbling and crying for a long time, and I shaking more and more, when all at once, hebens, golly! I see'd somefin' bright-like shine trough de winder, and I looked out and de barn was all afire.

But de nex' night Lijah wake up ag'in an' heah somefin', an' sho'nuf in de mawnin' bof his mules wuz dat wo'n out lak dey been a-runnin' in de mud all night, dat he cain't do no wuk wid 'em. Lijah, he kinda desprit wid dis, an' so dat night he don' go to bed but sit up an' hide in de ba'n.