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"Just as I reckoned the horses are gone too. They've skedaddled," she said blankly. Hale did not reply. In his embarrassment a moment ago the idea of taking an equally sudden departure had flashed upon him. Should he take this as a justification of that impulse, or how? He stood irresolutely gazing at the girl, who turned and began to descend the stairs silently. He followed.

"'The pore Indians had the Stars and Stripes flying over them, our old flag thar, and they'd bin told down to Denver, that so long as they kept that flying they'd be safe enough. Well, then, one day along comes that durned Chivington and his cusses. They'd bin out several day's huntin' Hostiles, and couldn't find none nowhar, and if they had, they'd have skedaddled from 'em, you bet!

"'Bout five miles up this pass you'll come to a cove in which Jim Johnson's house stood. Some uv them gorillers attacked it, three nights ago. Jim held 'em off with his double-barreled shotgun, 'til his wife an' children could git out the back way. Then he skedaddled hisself.

He paused a moment, and then, as a new idea seemed to be painfully borne in his round eyes, continued cautiously: "Was that the reason why you wouldn't touch any of them dresses from the trunks of that opery gal ez skedaddled for Sacramento? And yet them trunks I regularly bought at auction Rosey at auction, on spec and they didn't realize the cost of drayage."

He extended his hand to him gravely. "Shake! Ef another proof was wantin', Mr. Ford, of that bein' my wife's letter," he said, "that high-toned style of yours would settle it. For, ef thar was one thing she DID like, it was that sort of po'try. And one reason why her and me didn't get on, and why I skedaddled, was because it wasn't in my line.

After the Indians had skedaddled for the woods, and we cut the cords that bound pa, the cannibals went to work and skun the dogs, and began to cook them, and pa looked on, until it made him squirmish, but he was so tickled at being saved from the Indians, that he tried to be a good fellow with the cannibals.

"Got change for a dollar, an' I'll settle that pinochle debt," offered the sergeant. "I'll take a look." The policeman emptied his coin pocket. "What's that yuh got there?" "Which?" "The red stone?" "Oh, that? Picked it up on the sidewalk. Some Italian kids dropped it as they skedaddled." "Let's have a look." "Sure." The policeman passed over the stone. "Gee! That looks like real money.

As Moses was the only "he" on the premises the question naturally referred to him. "Oh, he's all right enough. I mean, right as he can be, stove to pieces like he is. One good sign about him He's crosser'n fury. All said an' done that me or Eunice could to please him, and he won't be pleased. Wants them childern, an' the mis'able things have skedaddled somewheres an' can't be found."

Under the shade of the mighty oaks here those gallant O'Caharneys your ancestors followed the chase, or rested at noontide, or skedaddled in double-quick before those smart English of the Pale, who I must say treated your forbears with scant courtesy. 'We held our own against them for many a year. 'Only when it became so small it was not worth taking. Is not your father a Whig?

"After that the two girls skedaddled; they had had enough of her, and I expect, Maggie, your little Puritan Prissie will be left in peace in the future." "Don't call her my little Puritan," said Maggie. "I have nothing to say to her." Maggie was leaning back again in her chair now; her face was still pale and her soft eyes looked troubled.