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The tree under which the answer was to be left and the money later on was close to the road fence with big, bare fields on all sides. If a gang of constables should be watching for any one to come for the note they could see him a long way off crossing the fields or in the road. But no, sirree!

He never had no occasion to be ashamed to show himself, for he is a good-looking feller, but he needn't now be no longer skeered to answer to his name, when the muster is come and his'n is called out in the roll, and say, "Here am I, Sirree." A new generation has sprung up, some of the drones are still about the hive, but there is a young vigorous race coming on who will keep pace with the age.

Yes sirree, they's plenty of use for a fighting man! Don't you never doubt that!" She smiled at this vehemence, but it reinforced a growing respect for Perris. Then, rather absurdly, it irritated her to find that she was taking him so seriously. She remembered the ridiculous song: "Oh, father, father William, I've seen your daughter dear.

But it seemed wiser to only nod again, and let his mentor go on. "We ain't had no trouble with the Free Methodists here," continued Brother Pierce, "jest because we kept to the old paths, an' seek for salvation in the good old way. Everybody can shout 'Amen! as loud and as long as the Spirit moves him, with us. Some one was sayin' you thought we ought to have a choir and an organ. No, sirree!

"I always say if John Burkhardt had shown you the color of real money! But what's a man to-day on just a fair living? Not worth burying yourself in a dump like this for. No, sirree. When I married Ed, anyways I thought I smelled big money. I couldn't see ahead that his father'd carry out his bluff and cut him off. But what did you have to smell a feed-yard in a hole of a town!

I'll let these human picture books go on condition that you take your show at once and clear on out of town." "I may just as well go," sighed the long-haired one. "This job has ruined my business here. And say, Chief, won't you break the guns and knock the cartridges out, and then let me have the guns, too? They cost a lot of money!" But on this point Chief Simmons was firm. "No, sirree!

This war is about over," growled Harbin. "No sirree! We'll be fighting these fellows for ten years. Ah, there's your daughter, Colonel. Good-day." With the first returning strength, freed from lassitude and stupor, Graydon began whispering joyous words of love to Jane. His eyes were bright with the gladness that his pain had brought.

She made 'er bed sixteen years ago, she did, against 'er father's wishes, and she ain't the kind to go back and say it's too 'ard for 'er to sleep in and she'd like to come 'ome and sleep in one of 'is for a change. No sirree, my lad." "How did she come to marry such a beast as Braddock?" "Well, that's another story. I 'ope, Casey, I'm not boring you." "I wasn't gaping," said Casey testily.

"I hope it isn't true -I hope it is all a hideous nightmare, born of my dismay when I found myself going through space!" breathed Dick fervently. "What are you going to do about this?" asked Greg huskily. "Nothing whatever." "You are not going to mention Haynes to anyone else?" "No, sirree! I shall keep my eyes open a bit when Haynes is around; that is all."

P. has been wanting a closed car for a long time, and when the Colonel offered me this one at a bargain, I snapped it up. Couldn't afford a new one, you know, but then this one's just as good as new." "And you don't care to get rid of it at a profit?" Bryce repeated. "No, sirree!" "Oh, you're mistaken, Mr. Mayor. I think you do.