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"I should've known better than to let you wander off alone." He paused. "Is your arm all right, Leroy? Need any treatment?" Jarvis answered. "It's all right just gashed. No danger of infection here, I guess; Leroy says there aren't any microbes on Mars." "Well," exploded the Captain, "Let's hear it, then! Your radio reports sounded screwy. 'Escaped from Paradise! Huh!"

Ye should've waited the docther's comin'. Ye'll mebbe kin kill him." "Ach! Get out with yer soft talk!" said Norah, scrubbing the more vigorously. "Did yez suppose I'll be afther havin' all this filth in the nice clean sheets? Get ye to work an' he'p me. Do ye hold 'im while I schrub!" She shifted the boy into the gentler arm's of the nurse, and went to splashing all the harder.

The woman hesitated a moment, and then walked up in front of Esther. When they were in the bedroom she shook out her petticoats, and the sheet fell on the floor. "There, now," said Esther, "a nice botheration you'd 've got me into. I should've had to pay for it." "Oh, I could pay for it; it was only because I'm not very well off at present."

And, 'Miss Royle is havin' her lunch out, he says. Then would you believe it, he took more'n half my dishes away!" Jane giggled. "Potter's a sharp one," she declared. "But, oh, you should've been behind a door just now when you-know-who and I had a little understandin'." "Eh?" he inquired, working his black brows excitedly. "How was that?" Gwendolyn went calmly on with her mutton-broth.

It was a twisty grin, and not altogether mirthful. "Yeah," he said wrily. "I see it. They were crazy too. I should've had more sense than to get mad." Then his grin grew a trifle twistier. "I didn't tell you that the thing that made me maddest was when they wanted to put earrings on me. I grabbed a club then and uh persuaded them I didn't like the idea." Sally chortled.

"No kidding," Joe assured him. "In World War Two the only spy scare in the village was an FBI man who came around looking for spies. The village cop locked him up and wouldn't believe in his credentials. They had to send somebody from Washington to get him out of jail." The co-pilot grinned reluctantly. "I guess there are such places," he said enviously. "You should've built the Platform!

Replacing the microphone, he turned to Tom. "Stupid fool!" he snorted. "He should've fired another torpedo and wiped us out. What's the matter with him?" Connel abhorred stupidity, even in an adversary. "Maybe he thinks we've already had it," suggested Astro. "With our stern blasted away, he might figure all the air's gone out of the ship." "Let's hope he keeps on figuring that way," said Connel.

We've all made at least one bad call, usually going in when we should've sent someone. That hasn't been fatal so far, and doesn't even always mean getting hurt but Steve Tarlac's first solo mission came within an hour or so of being his last.* *I believe I have heard about that incident,* Corina sent, *but would you mind refreshing my memory?*

Dammit, yes! We should've watched him closer." "I want to get back East," said Soames. "When do you want to head East?" asked the officer. "Now," said Soames. "We've got a project started that's more or less linked to the kids' gadgets, even though we don't understand them. The sooner I can get back, the better." The security officer used the telephone.

Either I'm losing my edge, or you're about to take over the top-ever rating; I should've seen some sign of your entry on the outer lock." "If you had, it would be I who was losing my edge. However, I will take that as a compliment from one who still holds that ranking. Drop your mind-shield." "What? Ohhh." Nevan did so, surprised for an instant though he knew he shouldn't be.